One of his first duties as Governor was to deal withthe Boston police strike in 1919. He brought in the National Guard and fired all strikingofficers. Newspapers across the nation reported on his decisive action and gave him thereputation of a strong leader. He became Vice President in 1921 and attended many ofPresident Warren Harding’s cabinet meetings – the first Vice President to do so.
On August 2,1923, President Harding died suddenly. Coolidge was in Vermont visiting hisfamily. He found out about the President’s death via messenger. He took the oath of office inhis family’s home under thelight of a kerosene lamp, as they had no electricity. As President,Coolidge promised to preserve the traditional American ways amid the economic prosperitythat many Americans were enjoying.
Coolidge was reelected in 1924 because of what was known as "Coolidge prosperity." In hisinaugural speech he stated that the country had achieved "a state of contentment seldombefore seen." He spoke out in favor of the civil rights of African Americans. He became evenmore popular by lowering taxes. After he left office, he wrote his autobiography in 1929. Hedied of a heart attack in 1933.