Harding was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1915 andserved two terms until his inauguration as President in1921. While in the Senate, heopposed President Wilson’s League of Nations and introduced 134 bills. Historians say he hadan “unremarkable” career in the Senate. He rarely spoke, he introduced no major bills and hisattendance was “not the best”.
An Ohio admirer, Harry Daugherty, began to promote Harding for the 1920 Republicannomination because he said, "He looked like a President." He won the Republican ticket andwent on to win the Presidential election by an enormous landslide of 60 percent of thepopular vote. Harding got rid of wartime controls, slashed taxes, restored the high tariffs, andtightly restricted immigration.
By 1923 the postwar depression gave way to new prosperity. Newspapers hailed Harding as awise statesman carrying out his campaign promise of "Less government in business and morebusiness in government." The nation’s unemployment halved during his administration.Despite all this, historians believe Harding is one of the worst Presidents. In 1923, he died inSan Francisco of a heart attack.