Wilson advanced rapidly as a conservative young professor of political science and becamepresident of Princeton in 1902. His growing national reputation led some Democrats toconsider him Presidential material. He was nominated for President at the 1912 DemocraticConvention. He won only 42 percent of the popular vote but got an overwhelming electoralvote to become President.
Wilson passed bills for lower tariffs, a graduated income tax, the prohibition of child labor, 8-hour days for railroad workers, and more. These and his promise to keep the USA out of WorldWar I meant he narrowly won re-election in 1916. However, after the election Wilson saidAmerica could not remain neutral when German submarines were attacking US ships. Wilsondeclared war on Germany in April 1917.
Wilson stated WWI was the “war to end all war”. Massive American effort helped the Allies winthe War and Germany surrendered in November 1918. Wilson helped create the League ofNations in Paris, but the Versailles Treaty failed in the Senate by seven votes. He was awardedthe Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts. He died in 1924, leaving his legacy for the USA to fight fordemocracy around the world.