"I know."
"What's the problem?"
I knew he thought it was mere embarrassment holding me back. "I think it will make you mad — or sad."
His brows pulled together over his eyes as he thought that through. "I still want to know.Please?"
I sighed. He waited.
"Well… I assumed it was some kind of… occasion. But I didn't think it would be some trite human thing… prom!" I scoffed.
"Human?" he asked flatly. He'd picked up on the key word.
I looked down at my dress, fidgeting with a stray piece of chiffon. He waited in silence.
"Okay," I confessed in a rush. "So I was hoping that you might have changed your mind… That you were going to change me, after all."
A dozen emotions played across his face. Some I recognized: anger… pain… and then he seemed to collect himself and his expression became amused.