Reporter: Hey, excuse me, sir. The dog out there.
Boilins: Yeah?
Reporter: Is that the dog that I've been hearing so much about?
Boilins: What's it to you?
Reporter: Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Teddy Barnes. I'm with the Woonsocket Call. Yeah, I've been hearing a lot of talk about him on the trains. I don't know, sounds like it could make a good story.
Boilins: It's Boilins, Carl Boilins. B-O-I-L-I-N-S. Yes. There's no “Y', in there. I'm the one that found him handed him over.
Reporter: Oh, yeah? So, Carl... where's he live?
Boilins: Well. We're not really sure. He comes and goes.
Reporter: Nobody bothers him?
Boilins: No, we put up with him. He just does what he's doing.
Reporter: Hey. ...you mind if I take a picture? For the newspaper.
Boilins: I don't mind if Hachi doesn't mind.
Reporter: Thank you very much. Very nice, very nice. One without first, please.
Boilins: Without the dog? All right. Stay there.
Reporter: Well, I....
Boilins: Oh, yeah. All right.
Reporter: I appreciate it. That's very kind of you. Okay, nice and tight.
Boilins: Look at that there. Big smile.
Reporter: That's...that's beautiful. Thank you.
Boilins: Hey, Hachi. This kid in Derry...sent you his lunch money. He wants me to buy you treats with it. It's like the third one this week. If this keeps up, I'll have to open a bank account for you. Never say that I gave you nothing. The dog's making out like a bandit here. Look at this, isn't that cute?
Passenger: Hey, Hachi.
Seller: What are you doing with the money?
Boilins: I'm his executor.