NO.2 我是三好學生外加鋼琴十級
表達難點:需要陳述這樣信息的多半是剛剛畢業(yè)的學生。本來就緊張,背下來的句子結結巴巴不說,還帶著一些富有中國特色的專有名詞,老外面試官聽起來多半是一頭霧水。我曾經面試過一個人大的女生,自我介紹的時候說她在校時得到過“Good Student Worker Award”。當時我腦子里出現的畫面是一個粗壯勞動婦女開拖拉機的形象。后來小姑娘告訴我,人家那是想說“先進學生工作者”。
表述技巧:這里就是一句話---To put your feet into the interviewer’s shoes---把你的腳放在面試官的鞋子里,意思是說設身處地為他/她著想。想想老外知道不知道“三好學生”是哪“Three good”;鋼琴十級到底是高還是低;英語六級老外是不是也在大學的時候考過;與其用十分鐘解釋“通州區(qū)依法誠信納稅-共建和諧社會書法賽優(yōu)秀獎”這么令人心跳加速的獎項還不如告訴人家I won a calligraphy contest funded by the local government. 雖然聽起來不特別具體,但起碼會讓你和面試官在交流上“共建和諧”。
Could you please describe your achievements in college?
I’ve received the honor of the most outstanding student in 2009.
I received the level-10 professional recognition on piano-playing by the National Pianists Association, with 10 being the highest level.
I received first-class scholarship for finishing the year in the top 5 percent of the class.