Why is it happening?
Topic2 Overtime is norm for white-collar workersWorking overtime has become routine for white-collar workers, with more than 60 percent of employees in a recent survey saying they have to work extra time on weekdays and 40 percent having to do so on the weekends.
Is it a problem?
Topic3 Living with Those of Same Star Sign in DormA specially-designed way of distributing students into different dormitory has gone viral recently. Students living in the same room share something in common, like same star sign or similar lifestyle. Why is that? Is it good or bad for students' development?
Topic4 Study Says Pretty Women Love Being StraightAccording to a US research, women who are seen as more attractive and are "initially successful in partnering with men" early in life are more likely to report being 100 percent heterosexual and will likely never explore a different sexual identity. On the other hand, women whose romantic opportunities with men are limited due to conventional beauty norms will likely seek other sexual identities in their lives.
What does the research say? Does it make sense?