Max, look, my lip. Is this something? I feel like I'm getting one. 麥克斯,看我的嘴唇。有長東西嗎,我感覺快長了
For the last time, you cannot get a herpes breakout in under ten hours. 我再說一次,皰疹不會在10小時內(nèi)爆發(fā)病徴的
You're right, now I'm jumping to the worst-case scenario. 有道理,現(xiàn)在是我一直往最壞的方面想
Maybe her lip gloss wasn't a herpes breeding ground. 她的唇彩不見得會是皰疹病毒的繁殖地
Maybe she's not a prostitute. 她也不見得是妓女
Maybe those young girls weren't being held there against their will. 那些少女也不見得是被強制關(guān)在那里呢
Yeah, maybe she just has sleepovers with women on swings in the their nighties. 是啊,只是"剛好"有一些少女,身著睡衣,蕩著秋千留宿她家
You know, like people do. 這種事,到處都有嘛
Welcome to Williamsburg diner. How many in your party? 歡迎光臨威廉斯堡餐廳。您們多少人來派對呢
What kind of question is this? 這是哪門子的問題啊
One, I am my own party. I take booth. 一個,我就是自己的派對。我要坐卡座
Now, now, who is that over there? 哎喲喂呀,那靚妞是誰呢
Our new upstairs neighbor. Earl, does she look like a prostitute to you? 我們樓上的新鄰居。厄爾,你覺得她看上去像是妓女嗎
Well, I don't like to judge a book by its cover, 我不喜歡以貌取人,以皮論書
but if she was a book, she'd be the kind that other books pay for sex. 可如果她真是本書,她就是其他書愿付錢搞的那種書
Sophie just came in, Earl thinks she's a hooker, and now my lip is feeling very Courtney Love. 蘇菲來店里了,厄爾也覺得她是妓女,現(xiàn)在我嘴唇感覺好"一代名妓"啊
I invited her here for a free meal, we have to make this work out for us. 是我請她來吃飯的,我們得把關(guān)系搞好
Last night, she threatened to call her "friend," the landlord, and that can never happen. 昨晚她都恐嚇我們要打給房東"好友"了,絕不能讓這事發(fā)生
We're illegal tenants, and I'd rather have a noisy roof over my head than no roof. 我們是非法轉(zhuǎn)租客,樓上吵總比沒樓住來得好
Let me do the talking. 讓我來跟她談
You're too upset, and you might say something insulting. 你心情太差,可能說錯話惹到人家
Like what? "Hi, thanks for the lip gloss 說錯什么呀?"你好,謝謝你的唇彩
and the series of uncomfortable conversations with every lover I'll have for the rest of my life." 多虧了你,我才有機會尷尬地告知我未來愛人們,唇蜜送我的疾病"
You don't need to tell them, they'll figure it out eventually. 不用你告知啊,他們最終會發(fā)現(xiàn)的
Hi, thanks for coming in. 感謝你特地過來一趟
I like the uniforms. 我喜歡你們的制服
You fill out the front nicely, and you with no boobs, short-short skirts. 你波濤洶涌,緊身上衣秀美胸。你一馬平川,齊臀小裙秀美腿
Smart girls. 聰明妞
Uh, we just wanted to offer you a free dinner, as our way of apologizing. 我們想請你吃頓晚餐,向你賠禮道歉
So are you ready to order? 你準備好點餐了嗎
What kind of question is this? 這是哪門子的問題啊
Did you see this horrible, horrible menu? 你們看到這壞壞的菜單了嗎
We can't have nice conversation here. 在這里我們都不能好好談話
Tomorrow I take you to nice place, my treat. 明天我?guī)銈內(nèi)ズ玫胤匠燥垼艺埧?/p>
Oh, you don't have to do that. 您不用這么客氣啦
No, no, I, too, want to apologize. 不,不,我也想向你們道歉
You know, after you two left the other night, 你們昨晚走了之后
some of my girls said that I was harsh on you. 我的妞們也說我太兇了
Your girls? 你的妞們
Yes, all those girls work for me. 是啊,她們都在我手下上班
Excuse me, I have to go to the ladies' room right now and look at my lips. 抱歉,我得去一下洗手間檢查一下我的嘴唇