I knew it. Bitch played us for cupcakes. 我就知道,賤貨騙了我們的蛋糕
It's 3:00 A.M. Why are you dressed? 半夜三點,你居然還穿戴整齊
Never took off my clothes, 'cause soldiers don't. 軍人從不輕易脫下軍裝,得隨時待命
We have to be ready when the enemy attacks. 時刻做好敵襲的準備
Okay, you were right, I was wrong. Why do you have the broom? 好,你說得對,是我錯了。你拿掃把干嘛呢
'Cause I ran out of finger bullets. 我的手指子彈射完了啊
Wait, you're gonna fall. 慢著,你會摔跤的
I can't believe we have a broom. 真沒想到我們還有掃把
All this time I've been sweeping with an Us Weekly. 一直以來我都是用雜志掃地
I knew this would happen, but I didn't say anything, 我早知會如此,只是當(dāng)時懶得說你
'cause you were all, "Max is the worst-case scenario." 因為你總說"麥克斯就愛往最壞的方面想"
Well, we showed weakness and now, look. And by "We," I mean "You." 你看,我們一示弱,就是這下場。我的意思是,你示弱了
Deal with this, cupcake thief! 接招吧,小蛋糕賊
Yeah, one more time, and hard. 再敲一次,大力點
Okay, now she broke our house. We're in a war. 現(xiàn)在我們的家都被她搞壞了,要戰(zhàn)便戰(zhàn)吧
She wants a piece of me, she's gonna get it. Where are my heels? 她想跟姐斗,姐奉陪到底,我的高跟戰(zhàn)鞋呢
I mean, who did she think I am? 她當(dāng)姐是什么人啊
Someone she can just buy off with a tube of Chanel? 用管香奈兒就能收買的小笨妞嗎
Well, your legs did kind of snap back over your head pretty quick when she offered it. 人家香奈兒一出,你的雙腿就開到腦后任人宰割了
I thought you were man with pizza. 還以為是披薩"外送男"來了呢
You have a porch swing in there. You have an electric cigarette. 你居然還有個陽臺秋千。你居然還抽著根電子香煙
What is it you two girls want? 你們倆小妞找我做什么
Uh, I forgot. Just so thrown by the swing and the everything. 我忘了,被屋里的一切和秋千晃傻眼了
Oh, you're taking advantage of us by still playing that music after we talked. 你騙了我們,你無視約定,我行我素地放音樂
You two are harshing my marshmallow. 你們倆真是敬酒不吃吃罰酒啊
So I'm gonna have to call my friend the landlord tomorrow and tell him about the horrible, horrible note. 我明天只好打給我的房東好友了,把你們寫的壞壞信告訴他
Oh, my God, she's a hooker. I've been using a hooker's lip gloss. 我的天啊,她是個妓女。我用了妓女的唇彩
She's not a hooker. 她才不是妓女
Oh, good. 謝天謝地
She's too old, she's a madame. You've been using an old hooker's lip gloss. 她這么老,肯定是老鴇啦。你用了人老珠黃的妓女的唇彩