Thank you Japan, For your support as well as the beautiful poem,Which reminded us of our shared cultural bonds.
Thank you Russia,For being there for us when we are in need.And expressing your care through practical actions.
Thank you Pakistan,For supporting us with resources throughout the whole country.Even if it means to give out everything you have.
Thank you ,Cambodia,For visiting us in this exceptional time,Your presence alone is the best gift we could never have.
Thank you Mongolia,For gifting us with so many sheep,Which shows a precious friendship of our two nations.
Thank you ,spain,Italy ,and Argentina,You make us realize there's more we have in common.Beyong our passion for soccer.
And that is love and care for mankind,Thank you ,WHO experts.
Thank you,UN Secretary-General Mr.Gulterres,For telling the truth to the world,And calling for global solidarity to fight against the virus.
Thank you ,UAE,Korean,Greek and American people,You not just light up the buildings,But also our hearts.
Thank you ,Mr.Dixon from UK,For bringing joy to us when we really need it.
Thank you,Mr.Maljean from Belgium,For creating such beautiful music which heals our soul.
Thank you,you,you,and you,My dears friends, Forgive me for not being able to say your name one by one, But we could feel the warmth of your kind hearts. And the power of your lovely smiles.
There are no borders in front of virus,But so does love and care. And that's what connect us together in this moment,Despite the different colors of our skin,And different languages we speak.
There is no you or me in this battle, but only us,Because we are a community with a shared future,And that means we could only have a bright future,When we are united as one.
Thank you ,my dear friends,For choosing understanding over prejudice,For choosing solidarity over discrimination,For choosing support over selfishness,And for choosing care over indifference,We could not imagine how hard it is to make these choices.
But we believe that they are the wisest ones,Because what is happening now around the world,Proves that you are not just helping China.But every single human being on this planet.
China has always been a grateful nation throughout its history,We will engrave these good deeds in our hearts,And countribut to the world by working together with other countries,To overcome the crisis and challenges we are facing.
The virus is still spreading,The wall is still ongoing,But as long as we fight together,We will win this war in the end.
Just as the song goes,United nations on the march,With flags unfurled,Together fight for victory.
Thank you world.