These well-informed young people had a verymodest interest in the print media. Unlike me, theydidn't feel their day was incomplete without readinga newspaper.Total newspaper circulation has beendeclining by roughly a million copies each year. Andyet a review of the main stories in the nationalpapers continues to be a regular feature of thisprogramme. Items in broadcast news frequently taketheir cue from reports in the press. I wonder howlow circulations will have to fall before such regardfor the print media disappears.My guess is it maytake a long time. We all seem to give greater authority to what is written than what is spoken.We know we can say things unthinkingly and stupidly. As the letter of James in the NewTestament says "the tongue is an unruly member". But cruel words spoken in an outburst oftemper are less hurtful than the same words written in a letter and sent by post. The writtenword has a very deliberate intention behind it. We speak about seeing things in black andwhite. On receiving a helpful letter we may say of someone "she's taken the trouble to write".