As you can imagine, females who have help frommales produce more litters, and have moreoffspring that survive to pass on that paternalbehavior.
Actually, a study suggests that maybe things happened the other way around, that monogamyevolved first and that paternal instincts evolved later and helped stabilize monogamy.
Researchers in the UK classified more than 2500 mammalian species as either solitary,socially monogamous, or as group living, which is when several breeding females live together.
Then, for the socially monogamous species, they analyzed data from closely related speciesand discovered that, in each case, the females used to be solitary and territorial, and thatinfanticide was rare and therefore couldn't have led to monogamy.
Then why did monogamy evolve?
The current thinking is that monogamy evolved as a mateguarding strategy in species wherefemales lived alone too far apart for a single male to monopoliz eaccess to more than one femaleat a time.
So monogamy enabled males to pass on their genesmore reliably.