For example, when a bird spots a predator, insteadof just flying away, it calls out in alarm andwarnseveryone in the vicinity.
When a dolphin is injured, other dolphins help itswim up to the surface and get some air.
And in a lab experiment that was setup so that one rat had to sit on a platform or else his ratfriends would get an electrical shockwhen they tried to feed, the rats quickly learned to cooperateand take turns sitting on theplatform.
You might think that evolution would work against this kind of altruism since, insteadofconcentrating on their own survival, animals spend time and energy helping others.
But evolutionists suggest that when animals help animals who are their genetic relatives, orwho are likely to return the favor later on, they are actually helping their species to survivethe processof natural selection.
Some animals will even sacrifice their own lives to insure the survival of the larger group.
The worker honeybee, for example, will die defending her hive if necessary.
Even acts that seem selfish may end up helping the group in the long run.
For instance, whenthere isn't enough food to go around, wasps and termites will cannibalizetheir nest-mates.
Gruesome as this may seem, it insures the colony's survival through tough times.
Although here at A Moment of Science, we don't condone human cannibalism, we still hopethatthese examples of altruism in animals will give you some food for thought.