Then the man grabbed the woman by the shouldersand, yelling, began to shake her till she was about tofall to the ground.
I walked quickly to the couple and called out, "Please, sir, please stop doing that. You're hurtingher."
The man did stop. His mouth agape, he stared me down and let go of the woman. Two thingsthen occurred. The group of strangers at the bus stop turned and looked away as if nothing hadhappened. And, a moment later, the man and woman sauntered arm in arm back into the alley.
It is not easy to discern when to hold back and when to get involved in a potentially stickysituation. When should we say "Enough is enough," and stick our noses into something that isnot ours? I can understand a person being afraid to get involved in someone else's problembecause they fear first, physical danger, secondly, financial damage, and thirdly, generalinconvenience.
I still feel I did the right thing that day. Would I do it again today? I hope so.