The swimmers also included 246 people fromAustralia, Great Britain, China, Hong Kong, Holland,Japan, Singapore and the United States, and 297physically challenged participants, the organizerssaid.
The event kicked off at 7 a.m., and it took most of the participants 90 to 120 minutes tocomplete the approximately 3,000-meter swim. The Nantou County Government said that inview of the two deaths that occurred last year, they took special precautions this year. Measuresincluded deploying 20 top-notch diving professionals and equipping them with propulsionequipment and underwater GPS systems for the first 100 meters, known to be the mostdangerous stretch.
The event was also moved up to the end of August, instead of in mid-September or later whenit was usually held, in consideration of colder water temperatures later in the year. This year,an electronic board was erected at the starting point to show the temperature of the water forthe reference of the swimmers.
The organizers also introduced a color-coded system this year so that the lifeguards could easilyidentify different groups of people. Physically challenged swimmers and those over 65 years ofage were required to wear pink swimming caps, while other participants were asked to wear redones.