They may people drop pounds quickly but they cost you.Low-carbohydrate diets(that tell you to eat lots of meat and skip the bread)can cause severe fatigue and headaches. Worse yet,most of the weight you lose on this kind of plan is water weight,which is quickly regained once you go off the plan.
Then there are the diets that consist of large quantities of one or two foods. They throw your body out of whack. Even diets of relatively nutritious pre-packaged formula foods don’t help much in the long run,because you aren't forming new eating habits with regular food.
Before you go on a fad diet,ask yourself:
.Could you follow the diet for more than a few weeks?
.Is it nutritious
.Does the diet fit into your lifestyle?
.Is it reasonable? Or is it extremely low in calories?
.Can you buy the foods in the store where you usually shop? Or does it require unusual foods that are expensive or difficult to obtain?
We’ve said it before,but we'll say it again:The only way to lose weight permanently is to learn new eating habits that you can practice for the rest of your life.
.out of whack有毛病的,走樣的