煩人的橙子:No More Mr. Knife Guy 刀子別再來(lái) 英語(yǔ)字幕
煩人的橙子:Um..wait. Run that by me one more time.
生姜: I've already told you like a thousand times. Why don't you believe me?
煩人的橙子:Well, you are... you know...
生姜: A ginger?
生姜: Well, gingers have souls.
生姜: Do so.
煩人的橙子:Nope, you're thinking of nutmeg.
生姜: Ginger!
生姜: Yes!
梨子: No? What do you mean, "no"?
生姜: Who said that?
煩人的橙子:Hold on a second, I gotta take this. What's going on, Pear?
梨子: This stupid game isn't working. It's not giving me a Yahtzee.
煩人的橙子:That's not Yahtzee.
梨子: It's not?
煩人的橙子:No, it's Scrabble.
梨子: It's not Scrabble, Orange.
生姜: (groaning)
煩人的橙子:It isn't chess, is it?
梨子: No.
煩人的橙子:Is it Connect 4?
梨子: Connect 4? Really?
(Ginger screams and cut up by Daneboe's knife)
煩人的橙子:It's kind of looks like Connect 4.
梨子: It's not Connect 4!
煩人的橙子:It's got to be Chutes and Ladders.
梨子: No.
(Daneboe put down his knife)
煩人的橙子:Ooh, I know, It's checkers.
梨子: No, it's not.
梨子: No, it's not Jenga.
煩人的橙子:Oh, I know. Hey, let's ask ginger. Hey, hey Ginger! (gasps)
刀子先生: Hey, dudes! This, umm, isn't what it looks like.
(Orange and Pear scream)
Peter Coffin: No more Mr. Knife Guy
Now he's real slick
He's got steel
刀子先生: Whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm not gonna hurt you, little guy!
煩人的橙子:Yeah, tell that to Ginger!
刀子先生: Is that who this was? Man, poor little fellow was really juicy.
煩人的橙子:Yeah, but it's not like he had a soul. (laughing)
刀子先生: What are you talking about? The dude was here, and now he's not. That's awful!
煩人的橙子:Actually, thanks to you, he's here and there. (laughing)
刀子先生: Dude, that is not funny.
煩人的橙子:You're a real cut-up, you know that? (laughing)
刀子先生: Well, I know what this looks like, but just because I'm a razor sharp strip of stainless steel doesn't mean I want hurt anybody.
煩人的橙子:Wow, I never seen the side of you before. (laughing)
刀子先生: I'm telling you, Orange, it's lonely been a knife. Every time I get close to someone, they wind up getting cut in half. Do you know what that's like?
刀子先生: This one time I julienned a tuna can in three seconds flat. It was awful.
煩人的橙子:Geez, sounds like you're really on edge. (laughing)
刀子先生: What's so funny about that?
煩人的橙子:I guess you're not the sharpest knife in the drawer, are ya? (laughing)
刀子先生: Buddy, don't even get me started on those guys.
Other 刀子先生: If my actomic number is 56, then my name is what?
Two knives: Barium!
Other 刀子先生: Very good. No more easy ones, guys. Now, if a train leaves Baltimore...
煩人的橙子:Wow, and I thought you were dull. (laughing)
刀子先生: Dull? Who said I'm dull?
煩人的橙子:I did, just now.
刀子先生: Not so loud, man! Do you know what happens to a dull knife?
煩人的橙子:He goes on a lot of first dates? (laughing)
刀子先生: No, dude! He gets a little visit from... the Sharpener!
煩人的橙子:Ooh, is he like the Equalizer?
刀子先生: No, the Sharpener is harder than a rock... and you know what he does?
磨刀器: He sharpens little fools like you!
刀子先生: Who said that?!
煩人的橙子:Wasn't me!
梨子: Me either!
(pannel moves)
梨子: Oh come on, that was totally a Yahtzee!
刀子先生: It wasn't me!
煩人的橙子:What about him?
刀子先生: Who?!
刀子先生: Not again!
磨刀器: What's wrong, little guy? Think I'm gonna rub you the wrong way? Ha ha ha ha ha!
刀子先生: No! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!
(Daneboe rubbed the knife in the sharpener)
刀子先生: THAT HURTS!!!!!
(Knife screams)
磨刀器:Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
煩人的橙子:That guy really knows how to make a point. (laughs) Ooh, ow.
磨刀器: Now that was a close shave! (cackles evilly)
煩人的橙子:Wow, I almost feel bad for Knife. Geez.
梨子: Hey, I think I finally got this stupid thing working.
煩人的橙子:Hey, what's goin' on, Pear?
梨子: I think it's trying to tell us something, Orange.
(panel moving)
煩人的橙子:Whoa, what the—G-I-N-G-- Ohh! Ohh! It's spelling "Jenga."
(panel with lights moving, warping music plays)
煩人的橙子:What's going on?
(Ginger's souls appeared)
生姜: See? I told you gingers have souls! Suck it, Orange!
Orange & 梨子: (Screaming)
Peter Coffin: No more Mr. Knife Guy
He needs sharpening
No more Mr. Knife Guy
Now he's real slick
He's got steel