The Prince of Wales 威爾士親王
In the spring of 1911 King George called Edward into his room and said:
'Next month I'll make you Prince of Wales and these are your clothes for the ceremony.'
The King opened a small cupboard and Edward started to cry.'But father,'he said, 'I'm sixteenyears old now. I can't wear soft shoes and a skirt. I'll look like a girl. Why can't I dress like otherpeople?'
'Because you're different and special,'his father replied,'and one day you'll be King.'
Edward cried for the next two days, but there was noth-ing he could do.
And so, on 10th June 1911, the family drove to Caernar-von Castle in North Wales and theceremony began.
The King put a small gold crown on Edward's head.There was music and dancing and the crowdbegan to shout.
The new Prince of Wales closed his eyes.'I feel terrible,' he said.'Can we go home now?'
'Not yet,' the King replied.'The people want to see you.
Edward walked to the front of the castle and looked down at the crowd.He was shaking and hisface was red.
'Smile, Edward,'the King said.'You are happy!'
A few hours later the family were driving back to Windsor. 'Wasn't that a lovely day!'Queen Marysaid.
Edward took off his shoes and looked out of the window. 'Never again,' he thought. 'Never again!'