A Lonely Child 一個(gè)孤獨(dú)的孩子
Prince Edward was born in 1894.His father,King George V, was a tall, cold man who did not likechil-dren.'Why does Edward talk all the time?'he once said.'He's a very noisy child!'
His mother,Queen Mary, agreed.'It doesn't matter if Edward is happy or unhappy,' shesaid.'A child must be silent and strong.'
The family lived in Buckingham Palace,which had 600 rooms.There were 8 kitchens,19bathrooms,24 toilets, 11 dining rooms, 17 bedrooms and 21 sitting rooms.
Edward once told a story about the house :Buckingham Palace was very big, and peoplesometimes got lost.One night my mother,my father and I were sitting in the dining room.Wewere waiting for our dinner.We wait-ed and waited, but the food did not come.After twentyminutes my father was very angry. He stood up and went to the kitchen.'Where is thecook?'he shouted,and where is my food?'
'But, Sir,' the cook replied,'your dinner left the kitchen fifteen minutes ago.Hasn't it arrivedyet?'
'No,it hasn't,'my father shouted, 'and I'm hungry.'
The King left the kitchen and began to look for the food.Ten minutes later he saw a woman whowas carrying three plates of meat and potatoes.'What happened to you?'my father said.'Whydidn't you bring us our dinner?'
'I' m sorry, Sir, 'the woman replied. 'There are a lot of dining rooms. I couldn't rememberwhere to go.But if you return to the table, Sir, this time I can follow you to the right room.'
Edward did not go to school with other children. He stayed in Buckingham Palace where he had aspecial classroom just for him.
This is how Edward described his lessons:
My teacher, Mr Hansell, was a thin man. He never smiled and his nose was very red.We hadlots of books but they were all very boring. They were full of words and they didn't have anypictures.
Sometimes I stopped reading and looked out dow.Mr Hansell got very angry.He took a stick andhit me on the arm.'Don't look out of the window,little boy,' he shouted.'Look at the book.'Hehit me many times and my arm was red.
Every Friday the teacher took me to my father's room.
'And what has my son learnt this week,Mr Hansell?' the King asked.
And the answer was always:'Not very much I'm afraid,Sir.Edward doesn't like his lessons. Henever lis-tens to what I say.'
When Mr Hansell left the room,my father was angry with me.'What's wrong with you, child?'hesaid.'Are you stupid? Why can't you learn anything?'
'But the lessons are so boring, Sir,'I replied.'And Mr Hansell hits me.'
'I don't understand you,Edward.You're a baby.You're so weak.You'll never be a good King. AKing must be strong.Go to your room and stay there until the morning.'
'I spent many days alone in my room,'Edward wrote later.'I never played with other children and Ididn't have any friends.I lived in the most beautiful house in England but I was always lonely andsad.I saw my mother once a day at din-ner time and I saw my father three or four times aweek,but they never gave me any love.I was afraid of them and every-thing I did was wrong.'