這里是CNN學生新聞,為您播報十分鐘世界上最近發(fā)生的最新新聞,不包含商業(yè)廣告。我是Carl Azuz,在CNN新聞中心,歡迎收聽我們的節(jié)目。首先這個周三從冰島傳來的消息??茖W家指出在冰島的Bardabunga火山情況越來越危險。Bardabunga火山是冰島最大的火山。昨晚火山噴發(fā)的風險又有上升。研究人員是怎樣知道的呢?地震。其中一次最大的火山噴發(fā)是在1996年。他們說,當時看起來就像山上在進行大規(guī)模巖漿運動。
It`s not located near a highly populated area, but one reason why people are concerned has to do with flight. When a different Icelandic volcano erupted in 2010, the ash-clouded spewed shut down a lot of European airspace. That affected more than 10 million people in the region and cost businesses billions of dollars.
A monsoon has brought chaos to South East Asia. This is a wind system that blows into India from the southwest during the summer, and it brings tremendous amounts of rain in June and July. This monsoon season has been particularly bad. The flooding and the landslides it`s caused have killed more than 50 people in India, and more than 100 in neighboring Nepal. Dozens are still missing. The rain has been so intent in some areas that it`s overwhelmed rivers and spilled out through nearby villages and flashfloods. There`s been damage to thousands of homes, tens of thousands of families have had to leave their homes. In some areas, people had to wait for a rescue on rooftops or climb trees to stay above the rising waters.
This is CNN STUDENT NEWS. Ten minutes of current events from around the world. No commercials. I`m Carl Azuz. At the CNN Center. Welcome to the show. First up this Wednesday, a story out of Iceland. Scientists say conditions are getting dicey at the country`s Bardabunga Volcano. It`s the biggest one in Iceland. And there was an increased risk last night that it was about to erupt. How do researchers know? Earthquakes. One of them, the strongest in the region since 1996. They say it looks like there`s a lot of magma movement in the mountain.
It`s not located near a highly populated area, but one reason why people are concerned has to do with flight. When a different Icelandic volcano erupted in 2010, the ash-clouded spewed shut down a lot of European airspace. That affected more than 10 million people in the region and cost businesses billions of dollars.
A monsoon has brought chaos to South East Asia. This is a wind system that blows into India from the southwest during the summer, and it brings tremendous amounts of rain in June and July. This monsoon season has been particularly bad. The flooding and the landslides it`s caused have killed more than 50 people in India, and more than 100 in neighboring Nepal. Dozens are still missing. The rain has been so intent in some areas that it`s overwhelmed rivers and spilled out through nearby villages and flashfloods. There`s been damage to thousands of homes, tens of thousands of families have had to live their homes. In some areas, people had to wait for a rescue on rooftops or climb trees to stay above the rising waters.