So actually there is a Big Brother. But he's not a malevolent fiction, he's actually all of us andhe lives in our search engines. So no matter how many times I do the calculations, I come upwith a social job, the positives bounce the negatives, the axis equal the wise, and our hopesweigh as much as our fears, but I hesitated on that last one because fear, good lord, fear is apowerful physiological force in 2011.
We here, up in the stands and surrounding your graduation class, look to you as we do everyyear, hoping you will now somehow, through your labors, free us from what we have come tofear, and we have come to fear many things. Fear has become the commodity that sells ascertainly as sex. Fear is cheap. Fear is easy. Fear gets attention. Fear is spread as fast asgossip and is just as glamorous, juicy and profitable. Fear twists facts into fictions thatbecome indistinguishable from ignorance. Fear is a profit-churning go-to with a wholemarket--being your whole family.
You're sitting in the house, one day, watching a game on TV not long ago along came apreamble for the local nightly news, "Are our schools poisoning our children?"
That story in summer is hot bikinis at night eleven. In that I had school-age kids, at the time Ifeared, they were, in fact, being poisoned at school, and summer was a few weeks away. So, Iturned in to get to school.
1. come up with
eg. I don't think he can come up with any clever move.
eg. Scientists in different countries, working independently of each other, have come up withvery similar results.
2. come to do sth.
eg. She said it so many times that she came to believe it.
eg. Although it was a secret wedding, the press did eventually come to hear about it.
3. free sb. from sth.
eg. The wide application of electronic computers in science and technology will free man fromthe labour of complicated measurement and computation.
eg. Even the wise are not always free from error.