Some advantages, particularly to this age, are not to be denied. Boredom seems to have been"vanquished"! There is always something to do, but hasn't this translated into a perpetualdistraction in our lives? In the bathroom, at the dinner table, in the backseat, at wedding, atembrace, at graduation day. It's always, something to check, something to tweet, somethingto watch, something to download, something to play, something to share, something to buy,something on a voicemail, something to yank at our attention span and it's all in the palm ofour hand for small monthly service fee. It seems technology has allowed for "a surplus ofcelebrities", and that is nothing to cheer about. Anyone...although that Sam Tusi, he rocks,anyone can enjoy the purpose of note writing now and duration of fame has been lengthenedfor many world-hold-breath fifty minutes to good fifteen months if you are willing to docertain things on camera.
Though our welding language is often the vocabulary of official news speakies booky man withYelson's Big Brother has never emerged, unless you live in North Korea, or run a red light inBeverly Hills, or shop online, or have done something stupid in the wrong place at the wrongtime in front of someone with a camera in their cell phone. That is everybody. So, pardon myjunior college Latin, the vulgus populi has become the all-seeing state and if you cross it,Google search will forever display your screw-up.
1. in the palm of one's hand
eg. Johnson thought he had the board of directors in the palm of his hand.
eg. They held his fate in the palms of their ancient hands.
2. on camera
eg. Fay was so impressive on camera that a special part was written in for her...
eg. Just about anything could happen and we'll be there to catch it on camera when it does.
3. screw-up
eg. But thanks to the internet, every screw-up gets broadcast.
eg. He ays his living proof that even the worst high school screw - up can ace college.