Bruce Lee is explosive in a way that no one had seen before.
The opening scene, Bruce Lee basically put the mixed martial arts in his film.
Fighting in the kenpo gloves.The mixed martial arts gloves with the open fingers.
And he used arm bars.There's not a lot of charisma in a straight arm bar.He was the man.
When he stomps out Bob Wall and kills him...You see a lot of complex emotions all going on at once.
I haven't seen any actor in an action film match all those levels and nuances in the middle of a fight scene.
The mirror scene was just, you know, when he's walking around and he's cut up and all of a sudden he hears his master in his head saying if you destroy the image...
Destroy the image and you will break the enemy.you defeat the enemy he was just... had a tension that to me resonates because it's cutting through all illusions.
This is the moment that he was waiting for.This was Bruce Lee's film in Hollywood.