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欲望都市第四季 愛你口難開 All That Glitters...





[00:00.00] 12.08.02 08:41:54



[00:35.84](性愛專家凱莉布雷蕭 并且勇于發(fā)問)


[00:49.36]One of the best things about New York is that on any given night... 住在紐約的好處之一是

[00:52.32]there are a miIIion things to do. 晚上有很多事情可做

[00:55.12]One of the worst things about New York is trying to pick one. 而壞處之一則是 不知道挑哪一種

[01:07.32]Those floors next door, they were in worse shape than yours. 隔壁房間的地板比你這間還糟

[01:10.40]You want me to see if l can get us into Town? 要不要到“城里”去?

[01:12.20]That restaurant in the Chambers hotel, with the period in the name, Town period. 就是那一間名字里有句號的 “城里”餐廳?

[01:16.16]lt's supposed to be amazing. Exclamation point. 應(yīng)該用表示驚訝的驚嘆號吧

[01:19.28]-You know what sounds amazing to me? -What? 你知道我覺得什么最棒嗎?

[01:25.12]Nice hot shower, watching the game. 熱水澡,看球賽

[01:27.12]Bucket of K.F.C. Mashed potaters, biscuits. 一桶肯德雞、洋芋泥、比司吉

[01:32.28]But it's Saturday night. -現(xiàn)在是周末夜呢 -吮指回味

[01:33.08]lt's finger-lickin' good.

[01:35.56]K period, F period, C period. 肯德雞

[01:48.32]lt's about fucking time. Get over here and do me! 快過來搞我

[01:51.88]-ls that your standard greeting now? -Sorry, l thought it was Richard. -你是這樣打招呼的? -我以為是理查

[01:53.64]That asshole said he'd call in five minutes. That was four hours ago. 他四個小時前說要回電話給我 我一直癡癡地等

[01:56.16]-l've been waiting by the phone. -My dinner might be arriving in a bucket. 我的晚餐是一桶雞 你想要出去嗎?

[02:01.72]-You want to go out? -lmmediately. 馬上出發(fā),我打給其他人

[02:03.08]-l'll conference the others. -You know how? -你怎樣打? -這是電話三P的唯一方法

[02:06.28]How else do you have three-way phone sex?

[02:06.48]What are you doing? -麥克道格家 -找我的,我接了

[02:09.76]-MacDougal residence-- -lt's for me!

[02:12.28]Good for you! -我們今天講的第一句話 -我們出去

[02:11.36]lt's the first time we talked today.

[02:13.52]-Hello? -We're going out. -誰在線上? -我們?nèi)?/p>

[02:16.52]-Who's on the phone? -All of us. lt's the future.

[02:17.80]Why are you guys calling me so late? -為什么這么晚打來? -現(xiàn)在是七點(diǎn)半,你睡了?

[02:20.72]-lt's 7:30, were you asleep? -l'm pregnant. l'm always asleep.

[02:25.88]These are my last months of freedom. l'm spending them in bed. 我懷孕了 我在床上度過最后的自由

[02:26.44]Don't spend them alone. -不要獨(dú)自在床上過 -你們?nèi)ネ姘?/p>

[02:29.16]l'm a lost cause, go on without me, save yourselves!

[02:30.100]No, we're all going. We have to shake things up... 每個人都要去 不要讓自己變得無趣

[02:35.92]before we officially become boring.

[02:38.12]-l say we go dancing. -l'm in. -我們?nèi)ヌ璋?-我去

[02:40.80]Let's go dancing! 不要去那種因為我胖 就會被冷落的地方

[02:39.60]Not where l'd feel worse when no one's interested because l'm fat.

[02:44.64]You're not. You're pregnant. -你不胖,你是懷孕 -男人會大排長龍追我

[02:45.32]Yeah, that'll have men lining up at the door.

[02:49.32]l know exactly where we should go. 我知道我們該去哪里

[02:51.08]That night we finaIIy answered the age oId question.: 那晚,我們終于得到了 等待已久的答案

[02:54.32]''Where are aII the hot guys?'' “性感的男人上哪去了?” 性感的都是同性戀男人

[02:58.88]WeII, the hot gay guys.

[03:01.64]They were at the hot gay cIub, Trade. 他們都在熱門的同性戀酒吧

[03:06.04]l feel like we don't belong here. -我們好像不屬于這里 -因為我們穿衣服

[03:08.20]That's because we're wearing shirts.

[03:13.28]Seriously, why don't straight men have bodies like this? 異性戀男人 怎么沒有這種身材?

[03:15.84]Because gay men have the possibility of sex at the gym. 要是他們能在健身房做愛 他們也會勤于運(yùn)動

[03:20.44]lf straight men had that they'd be working out, too.

[03:22.12]l've had sex at the gym. -我曾在健身房做愛 -莎曼珊是大家的動機(jī)

[03:22.12]Samantha is doing her part to motivate the masses.

[03:26.40]l'm going to the ladies' room. -我要上洗手間 -我也要,一定沒有人

[03:27.32]Me, too, l bet there's no line.

[03:30.16]-Wait. We'll meet you at the bar? -At the bar. -待會兒吧臺見 -吧臺見


[03:36.56]My God, it's Anthony! Hi! -安東尼 -你在這里做什么?

[03:41.40]Jesus Christ, what the hell are you doing here?

[03:41.100]We're shaking things up. You remember Carrie? 我們在找樂子,記得凱莉嗎?

[03:45.20]Hi! -我喜歡你的衣服 -可以一眼看穿

[03:46.48]-Love what you're almost wearing. -Sister, Day-Glo Underwear, look into it.

[03:49.16]-Are we gonna dance? -This is my friend, Gordon. 我們跳舞吧

[03:53.44]He's a design editor for House and Garden. 這是我的朋友高登 “家居與園藝”雜志的編輯

[03:54.32]My God! l love that magazine! 我的天,我愛那本雜志

[03:57.12]l used to wear my mother's pearls and flip through it when l was little. 我以前會戴著我媽的項練 翻閱它

[03:59.68]Me, too. -我也是 -我的公寓亟需改造

[04:00.96]l've got a great before apartment, if you're looking for an after.

[04:05.44]You should see Char's apartment. lt's Park Avenue, it's so frigging gorgeous. 你應(yīng)該參觀夏綠蒂的公寓 實在美呆了

[04:08.52]We're doing an urban issue this spring. Maybe l should check it out. 我們在做城市特集 或許我該去打擾一下

[04:12.72]My God! 要是我的公寓能上雜志 我一定會飛上天堂

[04:13.44]lf my apartment could be in H and G magazine...

[04:16.32]l would be in heaven! 你好漂亮,想不想跳舞?

[04:16.20]You are pretty. You want to dance?


[04:23.84]So how long have you worked there? 你在那里工作多久了?

[04:27.72]Swell, l get him all wound up, she cashes in. -我辛苦把到他,她撿現(xiàn)成的 -你們在一起?

[04:28.72]-Are you two together? -No, but l'm hoping we will be around 3:30. 還沒,我希望會有進(jìn)展

[04:33.20]You're dirty. -要跳舞嗎? -你們?nèi)ネ婢秃?/p>

[04:34.32]-Dance? -No, l'm good. You kids go have fun.

[04:36.00]-Okay. -Okay. -小心,仙女來了 -哪一個?

[04:38.76]Watch out for the fairy.

[04:40.76]Which one?

[04:43.56]Attention gentlemen, ladies present! -男士們請注意,有女士來了 -抱歉

[04:47.24]Sorry. There's no ladies' room, because....


[04:50.40]Yeah, excuse me. Thanks. 抱歉,謝謝

[05:03.60]Don't mind me, fellas. Just looking. 不要理我,只是隨便看看

[05:07.52]Kinda like being a diabetic at Baskin Robbins. 就好像糖尿病患逛冰淇淋店

[05:12.60]Sir? 先生,抱歉?


[05:15.84]Excuse me! Over here. 抱歉,這里

[05:19.12]Hello, anybody!


[05:24.80]What do you need? -你要什么? -顯然需要一根陰莖

[05:26.76]A penis, evidently.

[05:29.16]l'm trying to order a dirty martini. 我要一杯馬丁尼

[05:29.36]Kurt, a dirty martini for the lovely and talented Carrie Bradshaw. 給這位美麗的凱莉布雷蕭 一杯馬丁尼

[05:34.72]Thank you. -謝謝你 -奧利佛史班瑟

[05:36.52]-Oliver Spencer. -Hello.

[05:37.20]l've only been in the States six months, and regard your column... 我來紐約半年了 你的專欄是我在此的生存指南

[05:41.12]as my New York survival guide.

[05:43.28]Oliver, you're a dead man. 那你死定了

[05:43.56]l have no idea what l'm talking about. 我不知道自己在亂寫什么 你是做什么的?

[05:48.24]-What do you do? -l'm a shoe distributor. -我是鞋子批發(fā)商 -你最好不是在開我玩笑

[05:49.64]lt would be cruel to kid me. 全部走高級路線 在這里、雪梨和米蘭都有分店

[05:50.04]All the top lines. Offices here, Sydney, and Milan.

[05:56.12]So, then you get a discount? -你可以拿到折扣? -可以給特別的客人和作家

[05:58.20]For special friends and columnists.

[06:03.28]Thank you. Cheers! -敬你 -敬你自己

[06:04.64]Cheers to you! Hello, what's this? -這是什么? -什么?

[06:06.36]-What? -That. 那個

[06:10.72]Oh, this. 這個

[06:12.84]l keep forgetting l'm engaged. -老是忘記自己訂婚了 -你不可以離開約會市場

[06:12.92]You can't go off the market, you're my dating guru.

[06:15.16]l'm still allowed to see other gays. -我可以和同性戀約會 -我們一起去吃早午餐

[06:17.56]You must allow me to take you to brunch. l'll give you my card.

[06:21.92]-Can you hold this for a moment? -Sure. 我把名片給你

[06:22.84]-可以替我拿著嗎? -可以

[06:23.04]What's this, a goody bag? -這是什么?禮品袋? -我稍早參加了電影試片會

[06:25.92]Of course, l was at a film release party earlier.

[06:28.32]Jox and Cocks Four. -“騎師與陽具4”? -我以為是“商人象牙”

[06:31.32]l was told it's a Merchant-lvory film.

[06:33.76]Would l be able to enjoy this if l missed Jox and Cocks One, Two and Three? 要是我前三集沒看 還會喜歡嗎?

[06:36.08]Yes, but you'd want to see those eventually. Very important films. 會的,你一定會想看的 這是很重要的影片

[06:46.12]Max! Hi! 麥克斯

[06:49.32]Max was a junior associate at Miranda's Iaw firm and, apparentIy, gay. 麥克斯是米蘭達(dá)事務(wù)所 新進(jìn)的合伙人,顯然是同性戀

[06:52.64]-Hi. -l had no idea. -我看不出來呢 -我也不知道你是同性戀男子

[06:56.76]l had no idea you were a gay man either!

[06:57.16]l'm here with friends. And there's no ladies' room, because.... 我跟朋友一起來的 因為沒有女用洗手間

[07:01.52]-Yeah. -Yeah.

[07:02.60]Listen, Miranda... 米蘭達(dá)

[07:05.20]l'd kind of prefer if we didn't make an issue out of this at work. 我希望這件事 不要在工作場合公開

[07:09.08]l'm not in the closet. l just wouldn't want the older partners... 我不希望老一輩的同事 用異樣眼光看我

[07:13.96]to start treating me differently, so-- 我完全了解 只告訴你,我懷孕了

[07:16.40]l totally understand.

[07:16.80]And between you and me, l'm pregnant.

[07:19.72]And unwed. 而且未婚 你不應(yīng)該常泡在同性戀酒吧

[07:22.32]Perhaps you should spend less time in gay clubs.

[07:23.16]Seriously, good for you. -說真的,恭喜你 -這不知道算不算好事

[07:27.48]Remains to be seen.

[07:28.56]Anyhow, l haven't told anybody at work, because good-bye to all the good cases... 要是此事一公開 好的案子就沒有我的份了

[07:32.44]and then it's only a matter of time before the buzzards start vying for my office. 有人會開始覬覦我的辦公室

[07:35.08]lt is a very nice office. 那間辦公室很棒

[08:14.40]l'm coming here every week!

[08:17.48]Excuse me.

[08:19.84]What did l miss? 我錯過什么了?

[08:22.16]l peed in a men's room and outed a coworker. 我在男廁尿尿還遇見同事

[08:24.92]l got a phone number and some porn. -我拿到一個電話和情色片 -我看到陰莖和吃了“狂喜”

[08:27.60]l saw two dicks and took a hit of ''X.''

[08:27.40]To think that l almost slept through this. -我差點(diǎn)睡著 -你吃陌生人給的迷幻藥?

[08:31.56]l can't believe you took ecstasy from a stranger.

[08:32.56]He wasn't a stranger! He's a friend of Bobby's friend Bobby. 他是我朋友的朋友的朋友

[08:36.76]Then, you know it's safe. 這樣就安全嗎? 我們等一下要到搖頭派對嗎?

[08:38.64]-Will we be going to a rave later? -No, but l might have to drop in on Richard.

[08:39.72]不是,我等一下會邀請理查 來一趟狂喜之性

[08:42.52]Sex on ''X'' is supposed to be amazing. lt releases all of your inhibitions.

[08:43.08]-這能解放所有的禁忌 -你還有禁忌嗎?

[08:46.28]You have inhibitions?

[08:51.48]-My God, look. -Three dicks and counting! -我的天,你們看 -三根陰莖在跳舞

[08:55.84]They say opposites attract. 常言道“異性相吸”

[08:57.72]What they faiI to mention... 他們忘了提到異性 也有相異的觀點(diǎn)

[08:58.00]is that opposites aIso tend to have opposite views...

[09:03.40]on what constitutes a rockin' Saturday night. 他們度過星期六的方式不一樣

[09:18.52]How was your night? 你今晚過得如何?

[09:20.28]l've got a goody bag. 我得到禮物包 知道里面有什么嗎?

[09:23.64]Know what's in it?

[09:25.32]C'mon, l had to fight a foreigner for it. 我跟外國人打架贏來的

[09:29.00]Come here. 過來

[09:32.68]Just tuck in here and... 躺下來,我們睡覺

[09:38.76]let's go to sleep.

[09:38.44]-l'm not tired yet. -You will be. -我還不累 -等一下就累了

[09:43.64]Hey you, l had five cocktails. 我喝了五杯雞尾酒

[09:53.68]l danced with a lot of fine... 我跟很多俊俏…

[09:59.68]half-naked men. 半裸的男士共舞

[10:02.32]lf you would wake up right now... 要是你現(xiàn)在醒來 我可以向你保證…

[10:03.84]l can almost guarantee...

[10:07.40]you'd be in for some F... 你會得到銷魂…

[10:11.48]U... 蝕骨的…

[10:14.88]N. 樂趣

[10:20.12]l ate too much chicken, l think. 我吃太多炸雞了

[10:22.32]Will you rub my belly, baby? 寶貝,你幫我揉肚肚好嗎?

[10:26.60]I know it was wrong to compare... 我知道比較是不對的

[10:29.44]but I feIt Iike I had spent the evening in a CaIvin KIein ad... 但是我覺得我在 卡文克萊的廣告中度過一晚

[10:34.32]and now I was back to basebaII, buckets, and BVDs. 然后又回到棒球、炸雞 和BVD內(nèi)褲

[10:37.20]MeanwhiIe, Samantha was having x-ceIIent sex. 在此同時 莎曼珊正在床上享受

[10:46.44]That was amazing. 真是太棒了

[10:48.92]You are amazing. 你太棒了,我愛你,理查

[10:51.56]l love you, Richard.

[10:55.12]l am in love with you. 我愛上你了

[10:58.72]You toId him you Ioved him? -你說你愛他? -那是興奮過了頭

[10:59.40]lt was the ''X'' talking!

[11:01.16]All l wanted to do was to have sex! -我要的只是性 -他說什么?

[11:04.36]Okay, and then what did he say?

[11:06.04]Nothing, he just went to sleep. -什么也沒說就睡了 -他是不是沒有聽到?

[11:08.64]ls it possible he didn't hear you?

[11:10.52]He heard me. Can l get a fucking cab? 他聽到了,我叫不到計程車

[11:14.72]lf he was any kind of gentleman at all, he'd pretend it never happened. 他要是夠紳士 他會假裝什么都沒發(fā)生

[11:19.16]But you did have sex, right? -但是你們上了床 -我們當(dāng)然有上床

[11:20.36]Of course we had sex.

[11:23.16]Aidan and l didn't. He fell asleep and l watched gay porn. 我和艾登沒有 他睡著后我自己看同性戀電影

[11:26.24]See, that's what happens when people say, ''l love you!'' 當(dāng)你說了“我愛你” 就會變這樣

[11:28.60]Do you love him? -你愛他嗎? -誰知道?

[11:30.52]Who the hell knows?

[11:33.48]Maybe the ''X'' knows. -或許“狂喜”知道 -會讓你眼花撩亂

[11:33.100]lt makes you giddy.

[11:35.88]l was in love with the taxi driver, the doorman, his sweater. 我也愛上計程車司機(jī) 管理員和他的毛衣

[11:40.92]But you only said it to Richard. 但你只對理查說

[11:41.12]l am never taking ''X'' again. 我再也不吃迷幻藥了 那太危險了

[11:43.24]lt is a dangerous, dangerous drug.

[11:47.52]That afternoon I was high on another feeI-good drug.: 那天下午,和新同志朋友見面 也讓我感到興奮

[11:49.16]the new gay friend. -你真有趣 -人家說在酒吧遇不到男人

[11:52.40]Could you be more fantastic?

[11:52.84]They say you can't meet men in bars.

[11:55.24]That was true for me last night. 昨晚倒是真的 我想認(rèn)識新朋友

[11:56.96]l went to Trade hoping to meet someone for just a shag...

[11:59.84]because l've a boyfriend in Sydney. 只是玩玩而已 我在雪梨有男朋友

[12:01.100]And the only person l met was you. 而我只遇見你,我好失望

[12:03.100]Not that l'm disappointed. 你的男朋友不介意 你跟其他人約會?

[12:06.88]And your boyfriend doesn't mind if you date other men?

[12:10.28]Not date, have sex with. -不能約會,只能上床 -國際通用的同性戀準(zhǔn)則

[12:11.76]-Right, the international gay rules. -Absolutely.

[12:15.76]Blow jobs only, no last names. The gym is a free space... 全對

[12:15.76]只能口交,不能說出全名 健身房是個自由的空間

[12:19.00]and never ever show up at the same place wearing the same shirt. 不要穿同一件衣服 出現(xiàn)在同一個地方

[12:23.76]l just crossed over into a whole other set of rules. 我見識到另一種制度

[12:25.28]You've certainly worked out more options than ''Till death do us part.'' 除了“至死不渝”外 還可以有別的準(zhǔn)則

[12:27.04]That's all we've come up with, and frankly, l find it a little limiting. 我覺得這是種限制

[12:32.44]l know gay couples who are monogamous. But l'm a realist. 我認(rèn)識一夫一妻的同性戀伴侶

[12:33.60]但我很實際,我不期望在 一個男人身上得到全部

[12:36.12]l don't expect to get everything from one man.

[12:40.28]But l guess l shouldn't be saying this to someone wearing a ring. 我不該跟 手上戴著戒指的人說這個

[12:42.68]-What's with you and this ring? -What's with you and the ring? -跟這戒指有什么關(guān)系? -你的未婚夫怎么樣?

[12:46.76]-You haven't even mentioned him. -Aidan. -你不曾提過他 -他叫艾登

[12:49.96]What's Aidan like? -艾登是怎么樣的人? -他很高

[12:52.60]He's very tall...

[12:52.40]and incredibly kind. 難得一見的大好人

[12:57.36]And handsome. 還有…


[13:01.88]So, why would you leave that at home on a Saturday night? 你為什么丟他一個人在家?

[13:04.52]He wanted to stay in and listen to sports with a bucket of chicken. 他喜歡和炸雞待在家里

[13:08.60]He would have made my dad so proud. 我老爸一定會喜歡他 你有去過“八號小屋”嗎?

[13:11.48]-Have you been to Bungalow Eight yet? -No.

[13:14.40]But l hear it's a pretentious, members-only, tiny, crowded club... 沒有,聽說是個矯飾、狹小的 俱樂部,得要鑰匙才能進(jìn)去

[13:15.64]that you need a key to get into.

[13:19.96]-l have a key. -When are we going? -我有鑰匙 -什么時候去?

[13:22.52]lf it isn't little Carrie Bradshaw. 這不是小凱莉布雷蕭嗎?

[13:26.20]Young Stanford! 年輕的史丹佛,你好嗎?

[13:27.88]-How are you? -At the moment, confused. 目前有些困惑,這位是誰?

[13:32.76]Who's this? -奧利佛,史丹佛 -幸會

[13:31.28]-Oliver Spencer, Stanford Blatch. -Pleasure to meet you.

[13:36.56]l don't mean to be rude, but l must go to the men's room. 抱歉,我得上洗手間

[13:39.72]l've just been, you'll love it. -我剛?cè)ミ^,你會喜歡的 -真的嗎?


[13:41.72]-l'll be right here. -l'll be right back. -我在這里等你 -我馬上回來

[13:46.28]-So? -Yes? 凱莉…

[13:48.48]l saw the way you were behaving. 我看到你剛才的樣子 你跟這個漂亮的男人上床

[13:50.76]You're sleeping with the beautiful man.

[13:53.36]The beautiful man is gay. -這個漂亮的男人是同性戀 -該死,口音老是騙過我

[13:57.32]Damn! An accent always throws me.

[13:59.00]He's only been in New York for about six months. 他只來這里半年 我在同性戀酒吧遇見他的

[14:02.00]l picked him up at Trade.

[14:04.68]You went to shirtless heaven without me? -你去不找我? -不一樣

[14:08.04]lt wasn't the same. 我可以將你讓給艾登 但是這個…

[14:08.44]l was prepared to lose you to Aidan.

[14:12.56]-But this-- -ls just brunch. 只是吃早午餐

[14:14.80]-l'm green with envy. -Yes, you are. -我很嫉妒 -你是很嫉妒

[14:18.52]Fine! 好吧,繼續(xù)和你美麗的男人 共享美麗的餐點(diǎn)

[14:19.80]Have your beautiful brunch with your beautiful man...

[14:21.48]and then go home to your other beautiful man. 然后再回家找 另一個美麗的男人,貪心鬼

[14:22.76]Greedy, greedy, greedy.

[14:25.76]Later, I started to think about restIessness and reIationships. 我開始思考不安定和感情

[14:29.00]Once we found what we've been searching for... 一旦我們找到我們想要的

[14:32.72]why are some of us reIuctant to Iet go of our singIe seIves? 為什么有些人還是不愿意 放棄單身的自己?

[14:36.08]Is singIe Iife in New York such a constant fIurry of fun and friends... 在紐約的單身生活這么有趣

[14:39.56]that settIing down immediateIy fiIIs us with the urge to shake things up again? 所以一旦安定下來 還是會蠢蠢欲動?

[14:44.72]And why does becoming part of a coupIe impIy settIing down? 為什么結(jié)婚表示著安定下來?

[14:49.72]Maybe OIiver does have the key. 或許我們不應(yīng)該期望 從一個人身上得到全部

[14:51.72]We shouIdn't expect to get everything from one man...

[14:53.56]but instead, feeI comfortabIe getting different things from different peopIe. 而是與不同的人 得到不同的樂趣

[14:57.68]AIthough, at what point do separate interests become separate bedrooms? 但是不同的興趣 何時會導(dǎo)致分房睡呢?

[15:02.24]I couIdn't heIp but wonder, to be in a coupIe... 要成雙成對 是不是就得拋棄自我?

[15:05.00]do you have to put your singIe seIf on a sheIf?

[15:09.48]MeanwhiIe, Miranda's workahoIic singIe seIf was a thing of the past. 工作狂米蘭達(dá)已經(jīng)是過去式了

[15:12.96]Now, she was sIeeping for two. 她下午兩點(diǎn)就昏昏欲睡

[15:15.08]lt's finally happening. 這一天終于來臨了 我們事務(wù)所邁向未來了

[15:16.24]Stern, Hawkins, Erickson is moving into the future.

[15:21.72]Excuse me, what? We're moving? -你說什么? -周五穿便服

[15:24.28]Casual Friday.

[15:24.20]The entire partnership finally okayed it, finally. 所有的合伙人都同意了

[15:29.08]l've been working on this for what, two years now? 我為這個爭取了兩年了

[15:32.04]-Right, great. -Yeah, thanks. -好,太棒了 -謝謝

[15:37.92]And congratulations. 還有…


[15:59.52]Did you tell Celeste l was pregnant? 你告訴賽勒絲我懷孕了?

[16:01.60]Okay, yes, but only in your defense. -對,但是我是在幫你辯護(hù) -怎么說?

[16:06.04]What? 她告訴大家你在辦公桌上睡覺

[16:07.32]She was telling everyone how she saw you sleeping a couple of times.

[16:09.12]That you may be an alcoholic, bipolar, or something. 說你可能是酒鬼

[16:13.68]You told her l was pregnant? -所以你說我懷孕了? -這樣不好嗎?

[16:13.92]-lsn't that better? -No, not at a law firm, no. 在律師事務(wù)所不好

[16:18.56]Sorry, l told her it was a secret. 抱歉,我要她守密

[16:19.84]She can't keep a secret. 她守不住秘密 或許全公司都知道了

[16:23.36]She's probably told everybody in the office.

[16:23.96]How would you like it... 要是我告訴大家 你是同性戀呢?

[16:26.84]if l told everybody in the office that you were gay?

[16:30.68]Casual Friday has arrived. 周五可以穿便服了

[16:34.96]Great. 太好了,你可以告訴我祖父母

[16:35.88]Maybe next you can call my grandparents.

[16:44.92]-This is gay porn. -What was your first clue? -同性戀情色電影? -不然你以為是什么?

[16:48.08]You said we were watching an independent film. l brought biscotti. 你說那是獨(dú)立制片的電影

[16:49.16]Relax, l've watched it already, and l'm telling you, this is really funny. 放輕松,我已經(jīng)看過了 真的很有趣

[16:57.52]See, that's the way to do it. 就是這樣 沒有“我愛你”,直接做起來

[16:58.56]No ''l love you,'' just good old-fashioned fucking.

[16:60.52]l am not in the mood for gay porn. 我沒有心情看這個

[17:06.48]-Not in the mood for gay porn? -Don't you want to know how it ends? -沒有心情? -你一定猜不到結(jié)局

[17:11.36]House and Garden wants to shoot my apartment. “家居與園藝”要來拍我家 崔一點(diǎn)興趣也沒有

[17:12.12]l told Trey and he doesn't care.

[17:16.56]We turned off porn to talk about a magazine? 我們關(guān)掉電影談雜志? 麻煩你拿給我

[17:16.92]Biscotti, please.

[17:20.60]He never cares about what l want. 他從來不關(guān)心我想要的

[17:21.48]Anthony is more excited about it than Trey is. 安東尼比他還興奮

[17:24.08]That's because gay men understand what's important. 同性戀男人知道什么是重要的

[17:26.28]Clothes, compliments, and cocks. 服裝、贊美和陰莖

[17:28.32]And clubs. 還有俱樂部 奧利佛明天要帶我到八號小屋

[17:29.72]Oliver's taking me to Bungalow Eight tomorrow night.

[17:35.52]Sounds like you're cheating on Aidan with a gay man. 你為了同性戀背叛艾登

[17:37.20]No, that's allowed. 同性戀男友 是一夫一妻制的漏洞

[17:39.40]Gay boyfriends are the loophole of monogamy.

[17:40.80]My gay boyfriend outed me at work, then l outed him. 麥克斯出賣我 然后我也出賣他

[17:43.28]Even my gay relationships are dysfunctional. 我連和同性戀的關(guān)系 都處理不好

[17:46.92]Okay, here's the problem. 艾登喜歡待在家,我跟他相反 他可以接受

[17:47.16]Aidan loves to stay in, and l love to go out. And he's fine with that.

[17:51.72]lt's either the greatest relationship ever, or we're headed-- 這代表我們的關(guān)系很棒還是…

[17:57.60]For separate bedrooms, like me. 邁向分居之路,像我一樣

[17:60.24]We're in completely different places. 我們不同心,崔對現(xiàn)狀很滿意

[18:02.28]Trey's content with what we have.

[18:04.84]Therefore, l am a bad person for needing to have a baby. 而我則是想要寶寶的壞人

[18:06.32]You're not a bad person, you're a person with needs. 你不是,你只是有需要

[18:09.48]This is making me depressed. Let's watch that movie. -我們來看電影吧 -我還以為你們不看了

[18:14.16]l thought you'd never ask.

[18:14.56]Give me some of that.

[18:21.72]The next morning, Samantha and Richard... 莎曼珊和理查僅在事業(yè)上 互相扶持

[18:21.80]were taking care of business, but not each other.

[18:24.52]l'm not doing any more charity crap if we can't get publicity. 不能打知名度就不要做慈善了 史提夫馬丁有出席

[18:29.28]Steve Martin was there and he's the toast of New York. -他在紐約很受歡迎 -他很受紐約客的歡迎

[18:31.20]He's the toast of The New Yorker. There's a difference.

[18:37.36]-Are we gonna talk about this? -About what? -我們可以談一談嗎? -關(guān)于什么?

[18:39.100]That thing l said the other night. 關(guān)于那一晚我說的話

[18:47.08]Samantha, you were high on ''X.'' 你當(dāng)時嗑了藥 我也有過相同經(jīng)驗

[18:52.04]Believe me, l've been there.

[18:54.72]Oh! Good. 那就好

[18:56.44]Okay, then.

[18:58.60]Once Richard made it cIear that her ''I Iove you'' didn't matter... 就當(dāng)她知道那句話不代表什么

[19:03.32]Samantha reaIized she was secretIy wishing it did. 莎曼珊突然發(fā)現(xiàn)她希望他當(dāng)真

[19:04.28]-So, you'll yell at The Times? -l already did. -你要對著時代雜志吼叫? -我已經(jīng)這么做了

[19:08.88]-Did you need something else? -No. -你還需要什么嗎? -沒有

[19:14.12]She wanted to teII him it wasn't just the drug taIking that night. 她想要說那不是藥物的關(guān)系 但是她掩飾了真感情

[19:15.88]But she put her reaI feeIings on the sheIf.

[19:20.00]Fuck you at my place around 8:00? 八點(diǎn)到我家做?

[19:21.80]Sounds good. 好主意

[19:25.76]And since it was CasuaI Friday... 在便裝周五當(dāng)天

[19:28.84]Miranda and Max decided to come out of the cIoset... 米蘭達(dá)和麥克斯 以便服穿出自我

[19:30.12]with their casuaI cIothes. 米蘭達(dá)以單身媽媽的樣子出現(xiàn)

[19:33.12]Miranda sheIved her work concerns...

[19:35.12]and showed up as a proud, singIe mother-to-be.

[19:37.60]And Max showed up as a proud gay man with a sense of styIe. 麥克斯則是以品味 穿出同志的驕傲

[19:40.16]But when Stern, Hawkins, and Erickson saw Max's sense of styIe... 當(dāng)他們看見麥克斯的打扮

[19:45.04]that was the end of CasuaI Friday. 便裝周五就走進(jìn)歷史了

[19:53.88]Pretty. -很漂亮 -為了明天拍照

[19:57.04]They're for the photo shoot tomorrow.

[19:60.72]They're coming at 10:00. 你可以把東西搬出客房嗎?

[20:03.56]Would you please move your stuff out of the guest room?

[20:05.80]-Are they photographing the guest room? -l don't know. -他們要拍房內(nèi)? -我不確定

[20:08.68]But it doesn't look very good with us sleeping in separate bedrooms. 不要讓他們發(fā)現(xiàn)我們分房睡

[20:11.76]No, it doesn't, does it? 對,這樣不好

[20:15.44]They want us to dress nicely, but not too formal. 他們要我們穿著入時 但不要正式

[20:20.24]l'm in the picture? -我也要上鏡頭? -他們要替我們拍照

[20:21.52]They want to photograph both of us.

[20:25.92]Why? -為什么? -他們認(rèn)為我們是完美的一對

[20:25.60]Because they think we're the perfect couple.

[20:32.84]l know. 我知道…

[20:36.12]But l promised, and they're coming. 但我答應(yīng)他們了

[20:42.52]l don't want to do this. -我不想入鏡 -只是拍張照片

[20:44.88]lt's just one picture, and it's important to me.

[20:48.44]No, this. l don't want to do this anymore. -這對我而言很重要 -我不想再這樣下去了

[20:51.04]You are so angry at me. 你很氣我

[20:57.60]l'm sorry. 對不起

[21:03.68]l want a baby. 我想要寶寶,我以為你也想要

[21:05.64]l thought that's what you wanted, too.

[21:08.24]So did l. 我也是

[21:11.92]l don't think l should have to give that up. 我們不應(yīng)該放棄這個機(jī)會

[21:13.80]You shouldn't. 你不應(yīng)該

[21:18.80]You can have the apartment. 公寓給你,我搬回去跟母親住

[21:20.08]l'll move back in with mother.


[21:33.60]CharIotte and Trey's separate interests had become more than separate bedrooms. 他們南轅北轍的興趣 不僅導(dǎo)致分居

[21:37.68]They'd become a reaI separation. 他們已經(jīng)形同陌路

[21:42.44]MeanwhiIe, I tried to find a way for my singIe seIf... 在此同時 我試著讓單身的自我

[21:46.24]and my coupIe seIf to coexist. 和訂婚的我共存

[21:49.68]There you go. 到家了


[21:56.44]Where are you going all dressed up like that? -你穿這么漂亮上哪兒去? -我說過我要出去

[21:59.92]-l told you l was going out. -You didn't say you were going all out.


[22:02.20]l have to see Bungalow Eight. -我要去“八號小屋” -舞臺劇嗎?

[22:02.72]-Yeah, what's that, a play? -No, it's a very hot club. 是很熱門的俱樂部 我得知道這一類的事情

[22:07.76]lt's important that l know about these things.

[22:08.76]Some people consider my column the New York survival guide. 有人把我的專欄當(dāng)作 紐約的生存指南

[22:13.64]-What's going on here? -lt's just... -這是怎么回事? -我的新花招

[22:17.24]something l'm trying.

[22:19.52]lt's closer to my heart this way. 這樣比較貼近我的心

[22:26.36]Who are you going out with, the girls? -你跟女生們出去? -跟一個叫奧利佛的男生

[22:26.96]This guy, Oliver Spencer.

[22:31.24]-A guy? -He's gay. -男生? -同性戀

[22:33.44]Cool. 好,我今晚收工了

[22:35.24]Listen, l am done for the night.

[22:37.48]So, you want me to jump in the shower, come with? 你要我洗個澡跟你去嗎?

[22:40.76]l don't know. 我不知道能不能帶兩個人進(jìn)去

[22:43.68]l don't know if he can get us both in.

[22:44.16]We can get in anywhere. -我們哪兒都能去 -要有鑰匙才行

[22:47.44]-You need a key or something. -A key? Give me a fuckin' break. 鑰匙?拜托

[22:51.60]See, that kind of attitude is not appreciated at Bungalow Eight. 八號小屋不歡迎這種態(tài)度

[22:54.92]Come on, a key? Why do you even buy into that shit? 你為什么相信這種狗屁?

[22:57.96]Let's just go out to dinner, l haven't seen you all week. 我們出去吃飯 整個星期沒有跟你在一起了

[22:60.68]l can't. 不行,我答應(yīng)奧利佛了

[23:01.36]-l told Oliver. -All right. 好,不要忘了帶鑰匙

[23:05.84]Don't forget your key, because...

[23:08.12]we're very exclusive here, and we might not let you back in. 我們這里很排外 可能不讓你進(jìn)來

[23:13.12]See, now l feel bad. l basically discouraged him from coming. 我感覺糟透了,我沒邀他來

[23:14.88]-Call and have him join us. -This is so not his scene. -打電話叫他來 -他不會喜歡這里的

[23:19.64]Then you have to break it off. This is Bungalow Eight, darling! 那就別想了,這里是八號小屋

[23:23.56]Right, what's a relationship compared to a night with trendy strangers? 穩(wěn)定的感情和與陌生人 共度一夜比起來?

[23:26.12]Oliver Spencer and date. 奧利佛史班瑟和女伴

[23:29.52]l'm your date? 我是你的女伴?

[23:44.32]Turns out there's one probIem... 和英俊的同性戀約會有個缺點(diǎn)

[23:46.72]with having a handsome gay man as your date.

[23:47.20]Other handsome gay men. 會被其他的同性戀打擾

[23:50.08]l just love those new Prada open-toed sandals. -我愛死那雙拖鞋了 -我可以幫你弄一雙

[23:53.96]l think l can get you a pair of those.

[23:53.24]-Really? -What size? -什么尺寸?


[23:56.52]So, Ollie? 這里有東西可以吃嗎?

[23:59.60]ls there anything to eat at Bungalow Eight? Or is food so very last year?


[24:04.56]你現(xiàn)在正享受得忘我 我要走了

[24:04.80]Okay, it seems you're in the middle of a spa session, so....

[24:10.36]Wait, you're going? 你要走了?

[24:10.84]You know, l left a gorgeous man at home to come here and be your date. 我丟下一個帥哥 跑來當(dāng)你的女伴

[24:17.52]And l'm guessing size 1 1 did as well. 穿11號的家伙陪你就夠了

[24:19.60]So, l'm just not really sure why l'm here. 我不知道我到這里做什么

[24:23.56]Because you're fantastic, and l'm sorry l was neglecting you. 因為你很棒,抱歉我冷落你了

[24:26.24]l'm very bad. 我很壞,親一個和好?

[24:31.72]Kiss and make up?

[24:35.28]lf it isn't Mr. and Mrs. Down Under. 這不是澳洲先生和小姐嗎

[24:38.48]I was so preoccupied with my gay boyfriend... 我有了同志男友 就忘了同志老公了

[24:41.56]I kept forgetting about my gay husband.

[24:44.12]You remember Stanford, from brunch? -記得吃飯遇到的史丹佛嗎? -那不只是吃飯

[24:46.96]Apparently, it was more than just brunch.

[24:49.80]Don't fall for him, he's just another pretty face. 他光有一張俊俏的臉 他沒有我愛你

[24:51.48]He doesn't love you like l do.

[24:52.80]l knew this woman when she took the subway... 我在她穿肯蒂思搭地鐵的時代 就認(rèn)識她了

[24:56.68]-and wore candies. -Candies?

[24:56.96]l assure you, l never wore candies. 我沒有穿肯蒂思

[24:59.48]You wore pink suede candies, and l adored you anyway. 粉紅麂皮肯蒂思 不管怎樣我都愛你

[25:01.12]And how dare you try to steal her away... 你怎能用你的假口音把她騙走

[25:04.32]with your dreamy eyes and your probably fake accent?

[25:08.68]l'm sorry, l didn't realize the lady was spoken for. -我不知道她名花有主 -她是

[25:10.20]-She is. -All right, then. 好吧,親一下和好

[25:14.64]Kiss and make up?

[25:16.88]And then I reaIized, my singIe-seIf Iife... 我明白我的單身生活 已經(jīng)結(jié)束了

[25:18.56]had a sheIf Iife, and it had just expired.

[25:21.20]-Okay, l'm going. -Okay. -好,我要走了 -好

[25:24.52]No, Carrie, stay. We only just got here. 不要走,我們才剛到

[25:27.88]-Let me buy you another drink. -No, it's fine, l just want to go home. -我再請你喝一杯 -我想回家

[25:33.84]And the surprising thing was, I did. 出乎意料地,我真的回家了

[25:40.44]Honey, l'm home. 親愛的,我回來了

[25:47.28]How was the Bungalow? 小屋怎么樣?

[25:51.32]l've seen better. 我去過更好的

[25:54.00]Why do you own Jox and Cocks Four? 你怎么會有“騎師與陰莖”?

[25:56.72]More research for the survival guide? 為我的生存指南做功課

[25:59.48]Really? 真的嗎?你學(xué)到什么?

[26:01.20]What did you learn?

[26:12.40]Oh, yeah.

[26:15.96]Give me some of that. 給我一點(diǎn)那個

[26:20.28]A big thank you to our gay friends. 非常感謝你的同性戀朋友

[26:24.36]That's the thing about Manhattan. 曼哈頓就是這樣

[26:25.72]The most excIusive cIubs onIy have a coupIe members... 高級的俱樂部只有少數(shù)的會員

[26:31.12]and they're very hard to find. 他們不好找

[26:32.52]The next morning, House and Garden came to CharIotte's house. 次日, “家居與園藝” 到達(dá)夏綠蒂家中

[26:36.56]lt's fork, fork, knife, spoon. What are these people, crazy? 叉子、叉子、刀子、湯匙 這些人瘋了嗎?

[26:40.52]This is perfect. lt's very Upper East Side breakfast for two. 這樣很好,上東區(qū)的兩人早餐 我喜歡這套瓷器

[26:44.32]-l love this china. -Me, too. 謝謝,那是我們婚禮上用的

[26:45.64]Thanks, it's our wedding china.

[26:48.68]Anthony, can l talk to you a minute? 安東尼,能借一步說話嗎?

[26:51.80]We'll be right back. 我馬上回來

[26:56.12]ls he cute or what? 他真是可愛到不行

[26:59.12]-Trey and l-- -Splitting up, l knew it. -崔和我… -分居了,我就知道

[27:03.48]l don't think he's gonna be in the picture. So, should we just cancel? 他不會來拍照了 我們要取消嗎?

[27:07.60]Cancel? H and G, House and Garden? Do it without him. 取消?這是“家居與園藝” 我們自己拍

[27:09.08]-Won't that look bad, just me? -lt'll look beautiful. -只有我不是很難看嗎? -會很美

[27:14.36]He may be the heart surgeon. But you're the heart of this operation. 他是心臟科醫(yī)生 你卻是這一切的中心

[27:16.24]Honestly, you're the best catch ever. Look what you did to this place. 你看你把這里布置得

[27:21.52]You could take any guy off the street, fix him up... 你可以把街上隨便一個男生 改造得完美

[27:23.08]and make him into something wonderful.

[27:25.20]Not for nothing. 你值得更好的男人疼

[27:27.28]You deserve more than that stick-up-his-ass preppy. That's all.

[27:29.72]Now get in here and have breakfast. 過來享用早餐

[27:33.60]Gordon, it's just gonna be-- -高登,只有… -準(zhǔn)備好拍照了嗎?

[27:35.100]All righty, we ready for the picture?

[27:41.56]One minute. 等一下

[27:46.76]-Trey, you don't have to-- -No. 你不需要…

[27:49.04]This is important to you. 這對你很重要 我至少可以做到這一點(diǎn)

[27:51.52]l at least want to do this.

[27:53.08]Handsome husband, beautiful wife. 英俊的丈夫,美麗的妻子

[27:56.00]Having breakfast! 共享早餐

[28:04.24]Smile. 微笑

[28:03.44]Trey had moved out by the time the magazine was on the stands. 雜志出刊時崔已經(jīng)搬走了

[28:08.20]But aII over America, IittIe girIs in their mothers' pearIs... 但是當(dāng)戴著媽媽珠寶的小女生

[28:11.68]saw the picture and thought, ''That's what I want. '' 看到這張照片時會想 “這就是我想要的”

[28:21.36]That's the thing about reIationships. 感情就是這么回事

[28:23.72]Sometimes they Iook prettier from the outside. 外人看起來總是比較美好

[28:32.88]And what's inside... 而實際上和外表上總是有出入

[28:35.04]can be different than it seems.

[28:45.80]Subtitles provided by SOFTlTLER


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