looking at the whole of human history, I can summarize it very briefly: that as a species we are incredibly successful in gaining power; we are not very good in translating power into happiness. We are far more powerful than we were in the Stone Age, we don't seem to be significantly happier than we were, and this is a huge, huge problem.
And also, it's one of the reasons why I think we should, as far as possible, focus less on power and more on happiness in our understanding, and of human relations also in the present and future, because we don't need more power; we have enough of it already. That's not where our problem lies, I said. Part of me thinks that a little bit of unhappiness is necessary for continued progress, but I suppose we could question what really counts as progress.
And as far as having a little bit of unhappiness, we have enough; don't worry, it's not going to run out anytime soon. We don't need to engineer misery; it's built in.