peace sign/ victory sign 剪刀手
資料圖:peace sign/ victory sign 剪刀手
The problem with the peace sign is that, for the most part, everyone is standing around symbolizing instead of getting out and doing. If you want peace, make it happen - don't just symbolize it。
[注釋: 拍照時用濫了的“勝利手勢”在英語中除了叫 victory sign 也叫做 peace sign,因為該手勢在上世紀六十年代曾是和平的象征。不過,做這個手勢時記住要把手心朝外噢,在英國尤其要注意這點,因為在英聯(lián)邦大多數(shù)國家,做手背朝外的“V”形手勢是表示讓人“滾蛋”(fuck off)。]