Don:The lady told me to thank you, Herbert.
Don:So, here's your 1) chance.
Herbert:She's just being 2) polite. She doesn't want to hurt my feelings.
Don:She accepted your drink. That means she 3) invites you to talk to her.
Herbert:No, she's too pretty. I'm not in her 4) league.
Don: Don't blow it, Herbert! Get over there!
【Listening skills】
【to hurt someone's feelings 傷(某人的)心,傷(某人的)感情】
讓人覺得難堪、悲傷、沮喪、自卑等負面的情緒,就是to hurt someone's feelings。
A: You hurt my feelings when you said that.
B: I'm sorry. You misunderstood me.
【to be in someone's league 配得上(某人),跟(某人)屬于同一類】
若要表示“配不上” 、“不同屬一類” ,除了把be改成be not,也可以說to be out of someone's league.
A: Look at the new girl! She's definitely my type.
B: Keep dreaming. She's out of your league.
1) chance (n.) 機會
2) polite (a.) 客氣的,禮貌的
3) invite (v.) 邀請
4) league (n.) 同一伙人,團體