James: Ahhh!!
Arrietty: Ahh!!
James: Ahhh!!
Arrietty: Get away from me!
James: Ow!
Granny: If that's someone breaking in, I suggest you break back out again.
James: Gran, you won't believe this.
Arrietty: You can't let her see me.
James: But...
Arrietty: You can't! Please!
Granny: What is it? What are you hiding in there?
James: Nothing. My paint pots.
Granny: Well, which is it?
James: Both. It's nothing. Well, no, it's not nothing, it's my paint pots, which is nothing. I'm not hiding anything. Have a look if you like.
Granny: Well, keep it down. You might not need your beauty sleep, but I do.
James: You're telling me.
Granny: I heard that.
James: I can't believe she was right. My own little person!
Arrietty: Who are you calling little?
James: Well, you are quite small.
Arrietty: No, I'm not. It's you who's...too big, a great big overgrown giant. We're just the right size.
James: We? There's more of you?
Arrietty: I didn't say that. Get back!
James: Ow! I was only going to help you out.
Arrietty: You aren't going to eat me?
James: Eat you? What would be the point? My name's James.
Arrietty: Arrietty.
James: You want a hand?
Arrietty: Yes, please. Oh...! If that was supposed to be funny...!
James: Well, it serves you right for stealing my gun.
Arrietty: We don't steal, we borrow.
James: So there ARE more of you?
Arrietty: What's that?
James: How about I show you?
Arrietty: So what exactly does this thing do...aaargh!
James: Arrietty, are you all right? Look, I'm so sorry. I had no idea you'd fly so...well.
Arrietty: Can we do it again?
James: That was the furthest yet!
Arrietty: What shall we do now? (Dawning) What's out there?
James: How about I show you?
Arrietty: I've tried to imagine what it looked like, the sky, the houses. It's amazing.
James: We call it Hackney.
Arrietty: Right, you must promise not to tell anyone.
James: I promise.
Arrietty: Who's that?
James: My mum. She died last year.
Arrietty: Sorry.
James: We don't talk about her in case it upsets me.
Arrietty: I'll see you soon. Well, go on. Don't just sit there gawping. Go.
James: See ya.