中央情報局(CIA)局長麥克•龐貝(Mike Pompeo)周四警告稱,朝鮮或許“數(shù)月之后”就有能力用裝備核彈頭的彈道導彈打擊美國。
Speaking at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, Mr Pompeo said the US had to deal with North Korea under the assumption that Kim Jong Un was “on the cusp” of being able to hit the US after a spate of missile tests that have helped his scientists improve their expertise.
龐貝在保衛(wèi)民主基金會(Foundation for Defense of Democracies)上表示,美國需要抱著這樣的假設來應對朝鮮,即金正恩(Kim Jong Un)正處在有能力打擊美國的“邊緣”,此前的一系列導彈試驗已經(jīng)幫助朝鮮科學家提高了專業(yè)技能。
“We ought to behave as if we are on the cusp of them achieving that objective,” he said when asked if Pyongyang was “perilously close” to developing that capability.
While he cautioned that intelligence estimates about North Korea would not be perfect, he said the Kim regime was so close to reaching its goal that questions about timing were almost moot.
“When you’re talking about months, our capability to understand that at a detailed level is in some sense irrelevant,” he said. “Whether it happens on Tuesday or a month from Tuesday, we are at a time where the president has concluded that we need a global effort [to ensure] Kim Jong Un doesn’t have that capacity”.
Mr Pompeo said the US was still pursuing a diplomatic approach towards North Korea, saying Rex Tillerson, secretary of state, was “hard at work”. But he said President Donald Trump was adamant that he would not let Mr Kim be able to hold the US hostage.
龐貝表示,美國依然在對朝鮮采取外交手段,用國務卿雷克斯•蒂勒森(Rex Tillerson)的話來說,美國在“努力工作”。但他表示,唐納德•特朗普(Donald Trump)總統(tǒng)立場堅定,宣布不會讓金正恩有能力綁架美國。
“We are going to fill every arrow in the quiver until such time as we conclude that there is no alternative at that point,” he said. “The president has made very clear he is prepared to make sure that Kim Jong Un doesn’t have the capacity to hold America at risk — by military force if necessary.”
Mr Pompeo in July sparked speculation that the US was considering assassinating Mr Kim by saying he was “hopeful that we will find a way to separate that regime from this [nuclear weapons] system” and that the North Korean people “would love to see him go”.
Asked by the Financial Times what would happen in North Korea if Mr Kim died, he said he did not want to comment given the history of the CIA — an oblique reference to other assassination attempts undertaken in the past. “I am just not going to talk about that. Someone might think there was a coincidence if, you know, there was an accident. It is just not fruitful,” he said.