Wanting to get together with friends and family to celebrate this holiday weekend but nervous about the coronavirus?
With new infections climbing in most states, infectious disease experts discourage group get-togethers, especially one that involves drinking.
Socializing in large groups, sometimes in tight spaces and drinking, which lowers inhibitions and makes it less likely they'll follow pandemic precautions like wearing masks and practicing good hygiene. Plus party-goers talking loudly, which only increases the chance of spraying virus-laden particles on other guests, especially indoors.
It's really hard to wear a mask in a bar. It's hard to stay six feet apart. It's hard to constantly wash your hands and not touch surfaces other people have touched.
If you or those you live with are high risk, it's probably best to sit out any situation where you will be drinking in a group. If you are planning to go out — or to host a shindig — read on for advice to stay safe.
Stay outside, but don't let that make you cavalier
First, a backyard barbecue is much better than a crowded indoor party.
"Outside activities, you are definitely safer than inside activities," says Dr. Nate Smith, president of the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials. "There are a lot of things that can be done outdoors safely."
Research shows the chance of catching the virus goes down significantly when you're outdoors.
"You get better dilution with air movement in the outdoors. Sunlight is a good inactivator of the virus," says Scott Meschke, a professor of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences at the University of Washington.
But that still doesn't mean you should forego precautions like wearing masks and social distancing.
"If people are outdoors and congregating together, without masks right next to each other, shoulder to shoulder, then they are still at risk," says Dr. Rachel Levine, Pennsylvania's health secretary.
Monitor your personal air space
Speaking generates a cloud of tiny particles that can reach another person if you are near each other, especially if someone isn't wearing a mask.
"If we're close together, you're inhaling a very concentrated cloud. And in that situation, I think you're getting a pretty significant dose in your respiratory system," says Dr. Richard Corsi, Dean of Maseeh College of Engineering & Computer Science at Portland State University.
Scientists don't yet understand what "dose" of the virus leads to someone becoming infected and then developing COVID-19. That depends on a variety of factors like the amount of time you spend in a space with the virus, the concentration of infectious virus in the air and how heavily you are breathing, among other things.
Indoors? Pay attention to ventilation
Indoor gatherings pose a higher risk because it's generally harder to avoid close interactions, and there isn't as much air flow, either.
Spaces without good ventilation can have tiny aerosolized particles hanging in the room and possibly infecting people. Corsi says it's not yet clear exactly how much of a role this plays in spreading infection, but there's growing evidence it can be significant.