Knowing When to Step Up Asthma Treatment
Many asthma patients are able to successfully control their symptoms, which generally include coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. When symptoms go uncontrolled, however, the quality of life for asthma patients can decrease dramatically and may lead to a medical emergency. If you start experiencing any of the following signs, talk to your doctor about adjusting your asthma treatment.
1. Having Symptoms More Than Twice a Week
The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute says that asthma is well controlled if asthma symptoms occur twice a week or less. If you’re experiencing wheezing and other asthma symptoms more than twice a week, your asthma symptoms are probably poorly controlled and you should make an appointment with your doctor.
2. Coughing at Night
Everyone’s airways become a little restricted during sleep. Asthma patients tend to experience restricted airways throughout the day, and the issue can be especially disruptive at night. If you are experiencing night coughs or early morning coughs more than twice a month, your current asthma treatment may not be effective.
3. Using Rescue Medications More Than Twice a Week
Quick-relief medications, sometimes referred to as “rescue medications,” provide asthma patients with a rapid way to treat an asthma attack. If you are reaching for your rescue medication more than two times per week to ease asthma symptoms, it is a sign that you probably need to step up your treatment.
4. Frequent Oral Corticosteroid Use
Oral corticosteroids, such as prednisone, can be used in combination with rescue medication for more severe asthma flare-ups. These steroids are typically used in “short bursts” lasting between five days up to two weeks. If you find yourself in need of oral steroid bursts more than a few times a year, it is definitely a sign of poorly controlled asthma.
5. You’re Getting Out Less
When your asthma symptoms are affecting your quality of life so much that you aren’t taking part in activities you normally enjoy, it’s time to make a doctor’s appointment. The stress of uncontrolled asthma symptoms can make daily life difficult and lead to adverse health issues.