abridged edition 節(jié)略本
almanac ['??lm?n?k] /year book 年鑒,歷書
annals ['?n?lz] 編年史
annual ['?nj??l] /yearbook 年刊
anthology [?n'θ?l?d??] 文集,文選,詩選
appendix [?'pend?ks] 附錄,補遺
atlas ['?tl?s] 地圖冊
audio-visual book 視聽圖書
author card 作者卡
autobiography [???t??ba?'?ɡr?f?] 自傳
banned/censored book 禁書
best seller 暢銷書
Bible ['ba?bl] 圣經(jīng)
bibliography [?b?bl?'?ɡr?f?] 書目,圖書目錄
biography [ba?'?ɡr?f?] 傳記
book review 書評
book slip 索書單
bookcase/bookshelf 書架
booklet ['b?kl?t] 小冊子
borrower's register 借書人登記
call number 索書號
card catalogue ['k?t?l?ɡ] 卡片目錄
cataloguer ['k?t?l?ɡ?] 編目員
chapbook ['t??pb?k] 通俗讀物
cheap edition 廉價本
chief librarian 圖書館館長
chronology [kr?'n?l?d??] 年表,大事記
circulation/loan desk 借閱處
classics ['kl?s?ks] 經(jīng)典著作
classify ['kl?s?fa?] 分類
code [k??d] 法典
collection [k?'lek?n] 叢書,叢刊
compendium [k?m'pend??m] 匯編
copy ['k?p?] 一部,一冊
data ['de?t?] 資料
date card 期限卡
dictionary ['d?k??n?r?] 字典,辭書
duplicater/duplicating machine/xerox copier 復印機
edition de luxe 精裝本
elementary book/primer 入門書
encyclopedia [en?sa?kl??'pi?d??] 百科全書
errata [e'rɑ?t?] 勘誤表
fascic (u)le ['f?s?k (ju?)l] 分冊
fly leaf 扉頁,書前后的空白頁
foreword ['f??w?d] 前言
guide [ɡa?d] 指南
guidebook ['ɡa?db?k] 指南,指導手冊
hours of loan service 借書時間
index ['?ndeks] 索引
index to subjects 內(nèi)目索引
juvenile book 兒童圖書
lantern slide 幻燈機
legend ['led??nd] 傳奇
lending/delivery room 圖書出納室
library staff 圖書館館員
library/reader's card 借書證,借書卡
literature [?l?t?'r?t??] 文學,文獻
magazine/loose leaf binder 雜志夾
manual ['m?nj??l] /handbook 手冊
masterpiece ['mɑ?st?pi?s] 名著,代表作
material 資料,材料
memoirs ['memwɑ?] 回憶錄
microfilm reader ['ma?kr??f?lm] 縮微膠卷閱讀器
monograph ['m?n?ɡrɑ?f] 專著
mythology 神話
newspaper file/rod 報紙夾
novel ['n?vl] 小說
on loan 借出,借書
original/unchanged edition 原版書
overdue notice [???v?'dju?] 催還通知
pamphlet ['p?mfl?t] 小冊子
paper-back edition 平裝本
periodical [?p??r?'?d?kl] /magazine rack 雜志架
periodical record card 期刊登記卡
pharmacopoeia [?fɑ?m?k?'pi??] 藥典
pictorial [p?k't??r??l] 畫報
pictorial story-book/serial pictorial story 連環(huán)畫,小人書
picture book 圖畫書
picture collection 畫集
pocket edition 袖珍版/本
poem ['p???m] 詩,詩歌
popular edition 普及版
postscript ['p??stskr?pt] 跋,卷尾語
precious edition 珍藏版
preface ['pref?s] 序,序言
printed matter/print 印刷品
prose [pr??z] 散文
pseudograph ['psju?d??ɡrɑ?f] 冒名著作
rare book/edition 善本
reading room 閱覽室
reel [ri?l] 一卷,一本
reference book 參考書
reference material/data 參考資料
renew [r?'nju?] 續(xù)借
repository [r?'p?z?t?r?] /stack room 書庫
revised edition 修訂版
scarce book 珍本
secondhand book 二手書
selected works/selections from……選集
series ['s??ri?z] 叢書,文集
sketch [sket?] 小品文
subject card 主題卡
sub-librarian/assistant librarian 副館長
table of contents 目錄
text (book)教科書
(the)complete works 全集
the only copy extant/the only existing copy 孤本
title card 書名卡
travels ['tr?vlz] 游記
trilogy ['tr?l?d??] 三部曲
volume ['v?lj?(?)m] /tome 卷