They soon found that their boat leaked very much, and that it needed constant labour to bale it. Before they had been three days afloat, their stock of bread was spoiled by the salt water; and the fresh water had become stale, and hardly fit for drinking.
There was scarcely any wind to help them; and the labour of rowing with rude oars, under a broiling sun, soon began to tell upon the strongest arms and the stoutest hearts amongst them.
The island of Minorca was the place to which they had tried to steer their course, by the help of a pocket-compass during the day, and of the stars by night.
Five days had gone, nor were there any signs of land. On every side the glittering waters stretched away as far as they could see. Famine stared them in the face.
It is no wonder that hope died out in their hearts. They threw down their oars in despair. They crouched down in the bottom of the boat, their ghastly faces showing that the end was not far off.
Will Adams, their leader, was the last to give in. His hand still nervously grasped the tiller, and his eye was bent eagerly towards the horizon.
Will Adams他們的首領,是最后一個放棄的人,他的手始終緊張的抓著舵柄,眼睛熱切的盯著地平線。
Suddenly he called out, "Cheer up, lads! we have one chance more. Do you see that dark speck in the shining waters ahead? I am much mistaken if it is not a turtle."
Silently every man seized his oar, and settled to his work. They rowed very quietly towards the creature, and seized it before it was aware of their approach. At once they cut off its head, fed upon its flesh, and drank its blood.
Hope revived in their hearts, as they found their strength returning. They plied their oars with all their might; and ere many hours had passed, the eagle eye of Adams descried a thin gray line stretching along between sea and sky.
Before night, they felt sure that it was land; and morning showed them the rugged mountains of Minorca distinctly against the sky. By ten o'clock that night they had landed; and "gave thanks unto Him who had brought them unto the haven where they would be."
The Spaniards supplied them with food, and treated them with the greatest kindness. In due time they were sent to England in one of the King's ships. The canvas boat was placed as a memorial in the great church in Minorca, where its ribs and skeleton were seen by a traveller more than one hundred years afterwards.
What needed constant labour after they had sailed? How did they steer? Where did they try to go? After how many days' rowing did they lose all hope? What revived them? What did they see the same night? What did they do on landing? What was done with the canvas boat?