In youth the heart exults and sings, the pulses leap, the feet have wings; In age the cricket chirps, and brings the harvest home of day.
Turn, turn, my wheel! The human race, of every tongue, of every place, Caucasian, Coptic, or Malay,
all that inhabit this great earth, whatever be their rank or worth, are kindred and allied by birth, and made of the same clay.
Turn, turn, my wheel! What is begun at daybreak must at dark be done, tomorrow will be another day;
Tomorrow the hot furnace flame will search the heart and try the frame, and stamp with honor or with shame, these vessels made of clay.
Stop, stop, my wheel! Too soon, too soon, the noon will be the afternoon, too soon today be yesterday;
Behind us in our path, we cast the broken potsherds of the past, and all are ground to dust at last, and trodden into clay.