Oversleep 睡過頭
I overslept this morning. And I was super late. 今天早上我睡過頭了,到的時(shí)候特別晚。
Overdo 用力過猛
Don't overdo your makeup. You look better with lighter makeup. 不要妝化的太過哦,你化淡妝更好看呢~
Overbook 買票過多
The plane is overbooked.
Overcook 煮過了
The chicken is overcooked. It tasted horrible. 雞肉燒老了,不好吃。
Overcharge 多收錢
That guy overcharged me for the beer. 那個(gè)人啤酒多收我錢了。
Overeat 吃的過多
I gotta stop overeating everyday. 我得停止每天胡吃海塞了。
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