Dimon: The additional guaranties, the higher price the fact that we are going to own 39.5% is a foregone conclusion.
Reporter: The environment was a big part of that in there. Where would you say we are in terms of the ending?
Dimon: I never forecast the future because no one really knows. I try to make sure as a company we’re prepared for additional bad times or hopefully good times. But I just don’t know.
Reporter: Can you give me a sense of what you’ll be keeping as far the Bear Steams portfolio?
Dimon: We're treating it like a real merger. We’re trying to bring in all their prime correspondents, brokers, equity, bear energy really try to get the best of both companies.
Reporter: You only had 48 hours to do the due diligence, correct?
Dimon: That’s correct.
Reporter: That had to be a huge risk.
Dimon: It’s the last time I will ever do something like that. You have to know that there were 200 people in JPMorgan and probably an equal amount of people from Bear Steams working around the clock, didn't go to sleep for a two or three-day period and just watching that teamwork of those folks really is something special. You should know, we really went out of our way to try to get every last person a job because there will be job loss in this but we want to make sure those great people find other financial companies in New York and maybe CNBC.
Reporter: OK. Tell me what it was like to be in the middle of the storm. The storm that you’ve been in for a year, knowing the pressures, knowing the pain that so many people were beginning to suffer, knowing the uncertainty that existed in the country as we watched this go from catastrophe to catastrophe to catastrophe, watching a government trying to do something, but not knowing exactly what to do.
Dimon: You’re right. There’s not an owner’s manual of how to deal through this kind of an event or this kind of a market.
Reporter: Because it’s once in a lifetime.
Dimon: It is unprecedented.
Reporter: Because of the housing crisis and the collapse of the bubble and all of that.