Research shows that plant-focused eating offers clearly positive outcomes for people with diabetes – with reductions in blood sugar, lipids and body weight. And for you naysayers who cringe at the thought of moving toward a plant-based eating plan, you may change your mind after reading this.
There are many ways eating more plant-based foods benefits people with diabetes:
Better blood sugar management.
Improved heart health.
Weight loss.
Lower lipid levels.
血脂水平降低。I'm a believer in taking small steps to achieve the big goals of getting blood sugar readings in target range and improving overall good health. Moving toward a plant-based eating plan can start with simply adding more veggies to one meal per day or “going vegetarian” for one meal per week.
You may have heard about the campaign called Meatless Monday, where you swap out animal protein for plant protein every Monday. If Monday's don't work for your schedule, you can get creative with another day of the week, such as Tempeh Thursday or Salad Bowl Sunday.
More fiber for better blood glucose management:
The typical American diet falls far short of the recommended daily intake for dietary fiber, which ranges from 21 grams to 38 grams, depending on age and gender. A plant-based eating plan lends itself to consuming foods that are higher in fiber – whole grains, fruits, vegetables and even plant-based proteins, which include legumes (think lentils and chickpeas), beans (from black beans to lima beans), soy (edamame, tofu, tempeh) and nuts and seeds (like peanuts, peanut butter, almonds, almond butter, pistachios, walnuts, chia seeds) all fit the mold. Even though some of these foods are carbohydrates, the fiber slows down the absorption of carbohydrate, which blunts spikes in blood sugar.