China's "most expensive movie ever made" is one of the biggest flops the world has ever seen. "Asura", an epic fantasy film with a $113 million budget from financiers including Jack Ma's Alibaba Pictures, was pulled from Chinese cinemas after its opening weekend, when it made just over $7 million. In a post on the Chinese social media platform Sina Weibo, the film's producers blamed the abysmal box office showing on sabotage, alleging that trolls had flooded the mobile-ticketing platform Maoyan with negative reviews. While morbid audience scores may have played a part in the film's failure, it's likely that poor marketing and unenthusiastic fan tracking contributed as well. "Asura" also opened against strong competition, including the comedy-drama "Dying to Survive", which made $69 million last weekend and has grossed over $350 million total. Many of the worst flops of all time are films similar to Asura - big-budget fantasy or sci-fi films that aren't tied to popular franchises or characters, and come across as knock-offs of more successful movies.