It was twice, and you could have knocked. 我就做過兩次,誰讓你當(dāng)時不敲門
Who is it? 誰啊
Detective James, NYPD. 紐約警察局,詹姆士探員
Wait, don't open it! Don't open it! Oh, smoked it tuesday. Open. 等等,別開門,別開門。開吧,大麻周二抽完了,沒事
Sorry to bother you, miss. Do you live in this apartment? 抱歉打擾了,女士們,你們住在這里嗎
I'm gonna tell you right now, officer, our names aren't on the lease. 我現(xiàn)在就坦白,警官大人,我們的名字不在租約上
We're an illegal sublet with no place else to go. Please, mercy. 我們是無地可住的非法轉(zhuǎn)租客。求您了,高抬貴手啊
Sorry, officer, it's her first raid. 警官,抱歉,這是她第一次被檢查
Relax, the landlord didn't send me. 別緊張,不是房東叫我來的
What do you know about the tenant who lives in the apartment directly above you? 你們認(rèn)識住在樓上的房客嗎
His name is Lou. Leo? Saul? Am I even close? 他叫盧。里歐?索爾?我猜得接近嗎
His name's Nirham Chaduri. 他名字叫尼爾翰·沙多里
Oh, man, I wasn't even on the right continent. 哎喲,跟我猜的差了十萬八千里啊
Is that Nirham Chaduri? 那是尼爾翰·沙多里嗎...
Been dead for two weeks. Lived alone, nobody knew. 死了兩周了,獨居,死無人知
Cats eat his face? 他的臉有被貓吃掉嗎
Max, could you please not be so dark? 麥克斯,想法不要這么陰暗好嗎
Kittens eat his face? 他的臉有被小喵喵吃掉嗎
What? I'm just trying to put a more positive spin on things. 干嘛,我是想添加點正面元素嘛
Where are you going with that? 你拿著那個去哪呢
That's my good china with huckleberry hound on it. 那可是帶哈克狗圖案的上好瓷碟啊
I'm making a "Hello" Cupcake plate for our neighbors across the hall. 這是我要給對門鄰居的問候小蛋糕盤
Oh, no, you're not. 不行,不準(zhǔn)你瞎搞
It's weird not to know your neighbors. 不認(rèn)識自己鄰居,太不合理了
No, it's weird not to know your father, 不認(rèn)識自己老爸,才不合理呢
but by the time you're four, you get over it and move on. 不過等到四歲之后,你也就習(xí)慣不糾結(jié)了
This is a mistake. 你這是在自掘墳?zāi)?/p>
Who knows what's lurking behind that door? 誰知道門后"潛伏"著什么怪人呢
Yes, something awful, like nice people, who might look out for us, 是呀,可怕著呢,例如好人,那種會照看我們
or say, "Hello", in the hallway when they see you. 或是在走廊碰到會跟我們打招呼的好人
No matter what comes out of there, I will not be "hello-ing" It up in the hallway. 我不管是什么牛鬼蛇神來應(yīng)門,我死也不會跟人在走廊里假客套
You got lucky. Get back in here. 算你好運,趕緊回家
Who is it, please? 請問哪位
Caroline, your next-door neighbor. 卡洛琳,我是您的對門鄰居
Hi. Uh, is this a bad time? 你好,沒打擾到您吧
Not at all. One sec. Hi. 完全沒有。等一下,你好
I just wanted to introduce myself and my roommate, Max. 我只是跟我室友麥克斯來打個招呼
There, and give you these cupcakes. 這倆小蛋糕是送您的
That is so nice. 你們?nèi)苏婧?/p>
Well, it's the leash... least... least I can do. 小小鏈子,不,小小心意而已
Well, I gotta go. 好的,我有事先忙咯
Well, if we ever get a dog, we know who can walk it. 如果我們養(yǎng)了狗,好歹知道誰能幫忙遛遛
Listen. I know. 你聽,我聽到了
It's only been a few days, and somebody's already moved in upstairs. 才幾天而已,樓上就搬進新住客了
And they are playing music! 而且他們還在放音樂
Music is coming through the floor into my ears. 這破音樂穿過屋頂,直達我的耳朵
I blame you for this. 一切都怪你
When you knocked on that door across the hall, you might have opened a portal to hell. 你去敲對門的門的時候,你也開啟了通往地獄的通道
There, you hear the devil music? 聽到地獄的冥樂了嗎
I think it's the Bee Gees. 人家是放比吉斯樂隊吧
Exactly. And walking! 那就是冥樂,還他媽大聲走路
Walking and music, we have to stop this right now. 大聲走路和放音樂,我們得立刻制止這種行為
It's 10 o'clock, people are allowed to walk and play music. 現(xiàn)在才10點,走路和放音樂沒什么不可以
Your lack of apartment knowledge is really starting to piss me off. 你對住公寓毛都不懂,真讓老娘火大死了
We have to show him right now not to screw us. I need paper. 我們現(xiàn)在就得上去,給他個下馬威。我需要白紙
What are you doing? I mean, besides over-reacting? 你除了反應(yīng)過度外,還想干嘛啊
Writing a threatening note. 寫恐嚇信
If we don't shut this down now, next thing you know, 如果一開始不處理,很快就會有
someone's having an academy awards party in your living room. 路人跑來你家客廳,開奧斯卡頒獎晚會
Is that what you want? 你真想嘗到這惡果嗎
Strangers passing out mini Oscar statues that say, "Best nachos?" 陌生人互相頒發(fā)迷你奧斯卡獎座,上面還寫著"最佳玉米脆餅獎"