內容講述一對深愛著對方的母女羅拉和艾瑪,但她們之間卻一直存在著隔閡和沖突,以致艾瑪為了使自己盡量脫離母后的形象和影響,用去了三十年時間,但直到臨終之際她才發(fā)現自己對母親的親情無法讓她釋懷和割舍。 影片情節(jié)感人,思想深刻,是一部不可多得的好作品。
本片是一部溫馨小品,旨在以人生酸甜苦辣來詮釋母女復雜親情關系,當年以黑馬姿態(tài)贏得第56屆奧斯卡最佳影片、最佳導演、最佳改編劇本、最佳女主角、最佳男配角共五項大獎。影片情節(jié)感人,從幽默到嚴肅,風格逐漸過渡。本片是詹姆斯·布魯克斯的編導處女作。1996年的續(xù)集《常在我心間延續(xù)篇:動人季節(jié)》(又譯《親密關系1997》, The Evening Star)講述奶奶和三個外孫的故事。
Garrett Breedlove: I like the lights on.
Garrett Breedlove:我喜歡開著燈。
Aurora Greenway: Then go home and turn them on.
Aurora Greenway: 那么就回家去然后把燈都打開。
Aurora Greenway: I just didn't want you to think I was like one of your other girls.
Aurora Greenway: 我只是不想讓你認為我是一個像你從前遇到的別的女孩一樣。
Garrett Breedlove: Not much chance of that unless you curtsy on my face real soon.
Garrett Breedlove:那可能性不大,除非你在我的臉上真的馬上就行屈膝禮。
[Upon hearing of her daughter's pregnancy] (在聽到她女兒懷孕后)
Aurora Greenway: Why should I be happy about being a grandmother?
Aurora Greenway: 我為什么要因為快成為奶奶而高興?
Flap Horton: Does this mean you won't be knitting the baby any booties?
Flap Horton: 這不會是意味著你不打算給嬰兒做任何衣服?
Garrett Breedlove: You're gonna need a lot of drinks.
Garrett Breedlove:你可能需要喝點飲料。
Aurora Greenway: To break the ice?
Aurora Greenway: 為了打破僵局?
Garrett Breedlove: To kill the bug you have up your ass.
Garrett Breedlove:為了殺死在你屁股上的蟲子。
Aurora Greenway: Would you like to come in?
Aurora Greenway: 你想進來嗎?
Garrett Breedlove: I'd rather stick needles in my eyes.
Garrett Breedlove:我寧愿自己的眼睛被針扎著。
Aurora Greenway: Gorgeous isn't everything.
Aurora Greenway: 并不是每件事情都很美。
Aurora Greenway: This is my moment.
Aurora Greenway: 這是我的時刻。
Aurora Greenway: Don't worship me until I've earned it.
Aurora Greenway: 不要崇拜我除非我已經贏得了它。
Aurora Greenway: He can't even do the simple things, like fail locally.
Aurora Greenway: 他甚至不能做很簡單的事情,比如說局部性地失敗。