But I think many of us reach first for a prescription when problems arise. And perhaps we findthat congenial. We often seem to treat our minds and bodies like a car that goes wrong. Wewant to get them fixed, so we can get on with our lives But another body of thought holds thataddressing the underlying causes of depression, not just tackling its symptoms, meanschanging how we live and even how we think. A substantial movement along these lines isunderway in mainstream healthcare and clinical psychology, and rather surprisingly, it drawson Buddhist meditation and mindfulness practice.
Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy aims at avoiding depression relapse. Using meditation,it asks people to accept the troubling thoughts and feelings that can grow into depression,seeing them as part of their experience, at least for now. That mirrors the Buddhistunderstanding that we suffer because what we want is at odds with the way life is. Youralternative is turning towards reality with awareness and finding a more creative response.I see in my own work as a mindfulness trainer that when people stop fighting what they findchallenging and stop judging themselves harshly they are able to access a kinder responseand a sense of peace. This assumes that people have the resources within themselves to copemore effectively. That doesn't mean there's no place for drugs in alleviating the effects ofdepression, but you can also help yourself. And that's an important insight whether you'redepressed or not.