"Who's there?cries the Captain at his busy desk, hurriedly making out his papers for theCustoms-Who's there?Oh! how that harmless question mangles Jonah! For the instant healmost turns to flee again. But he rallies.I seek a passage in this ship to Tarshish; how soon sailye, sir?Thus far the busy Captain had not looked up to Jonah, though the man now standsbefore him; but no sooner does he hear that hollow voice, than he darts a scrutinizingglance.We sail with the next coming tide,at last he slowly answered, still intently eyeing him.'No sooner, sir?Soon enough for any honest man that goes a passenger.Ha!Jonah, that's anotherstab. But he swiftly calls away the Captain from that scent.I'll sail with ye,he says,the passagemoney how much is that?I'll pay now.For it is particularly written, shipmates, as if it were athing not to be overlooked in this history, 'that he paid the fare thereof' ere the craft did sail.