Shaking off the sleet from my ice-glazed hat andjacket, I seated myself near the door, and turningsideways was surprised to see Queequeg near me. Affected by the solemnity of the scene,there was a wondering gaze of incredulous curiosity in his countenance. This savage wasthe only person present who seemed to notice my entrance; because he was the only one whocould not read, and, therefore, was not reading those frigid inscriptions on the wall. Whetherany of the relatives of the seamen whose names appeared there were now among thecongregation, I knew not; but so many are the unrecorded accidents in the fishery, and soplainly did several women present wear the countenance if not the trappings of someunceasing grief, that I feel sure that here before me were assembled those, in whose unhealinghearts the sight of those bleak tablets sympathetically caused the old wounds to bleed afresh.
Oh! ye whose dead lie buried beneath the green grass; who standing among flowers can say--here, here lies my beloved; ye know not the desolation that broods in bosoms like these. Whatbitter blanks in those black-bordered marbles which cover no ashes!