In the closely-knit rural society before the turn of the century, an unmarried adult was rare.The reason for any person's single status had to be an unfortunate one.Those who chose not to marry were considered abnormal, career obsessed, or homosexual.Those whose hands were never sought were lonely losers unattractive, handicapped, deviant.
本世紀以前,在人際關系密切的農村社會中,一個未婚成年人是罕見的。任何人單身必有其不幸的原因。那些選擇不結婚的人會被人認為是異類、工作狂或同性戀。那些從未被人追求過的是孤寂的失敗者… —一沒有吸引力,有缺陷,舉止異常。