They can instantly recognize faces they glimpsed months and even years ago. This isinteresting because it suggests that face recognition exists on a broad spectrum. Previously,scientists thought that people fall into two basic categories. Most people have more or less thesame, average ability for recalling faces.
But around two percent of people can hardly recognize faces at all—a condition calledprosopagnosia. The discovery that a small percentage of people are super recognizers means theoverall spectrum of face recognition is more expansive than we knew. While relatively fewpeople fall into either extreme, most of us exist somewhere in between.
But that doesn't mean that most people are equally competent at recognizing faces. Withoutbeing a super recognizer, Joe may exist somewhere in the neighborhood of strong facial recall.Whereas Jane's talent for remembering faces might lie closer to the prosopagnosia end ofthings.
For the most part, where you fall on the face recognition spectrum may not matter. But if,say, you're an eyewitness in a murder trial, then your relative ability for recalling faces mightbecome a pivotal fact in the trial.