One reason is that snakes are cold-blooded—that is,their body temperature isn't maintained internallythe way ours is, but fluctuates with the temperature of their environment.
If you are cold-blooded and you live in the desert, you will find yourself getting very chilly atnight, because sandy terrain does not hold heat very long after sunset. To get around this,snakes will often "bask" on warm rocks; and they also seek hot places to help aid in theirdigestion. This, in fact, is true of any snake, no matter what part of the country you find themin.
The deserts just make a particularly clear case exactly because they do get cold so fast at night,and snakes can't hide out in wooded or grassy areas. Now you can probably see the problemthat comes when human beings enter into the picture. When we move into deserts, we buildthose long roads out of asphalt and other materials that retain heat long after the sun has gonedown. Desert snakes come out to bask away the cold hours on these convenient stretches ofwarmth. And, well...that turns out to be a mistake.