Castles are usually enormous structures requiringstrong foundations and the use of heavyconstruction materials such as stone. If thefoundations are not strong enough, the castle couldcollapse. The idea of building a castle in the air-with no foundation at all-is, of course,ridiculous. That is why this idiom is used todescribe ideas that are not realistic, as if they aredreams or fantasies. So when someone describes aplan or course of action that we believe may beimpossible to achieve, we tell him, "You're buildingcastles in the air."
A similar idiom is "building castles in the sand." We know that, on a beach, sand castles areinevitably and easily destroyed by the tide. They are not built to last a long time. So when wesay someone is "building castles in the sand," we mean they are creating something that won'tendure very long.