Mantell was a lanky assemblage of shortcomings—he was vain, self-absorbed, priggish,neglectful of his family—but never was there a more devoted amateur paleontologist. Hewas also lucky to have a devoted and observant wife. In 1822, while he was making a housecall on a patient in rural Sussex, Mrs. Mantell went for a stroll down a nearby lane and in a pileof rubble that had been left to fill potholes she found a curious object—a curved brown stone,about the size of a small walnut.
Knowing her husband's interest in fossils, and thinking it might be one, she took it to him.Mantell could see at once it was a fossilized tooth, and after a little study became certain that itwas from an animal that was herbivorous, reptilian, extremely large—tens of feet long—andfrom the Cretaceous period. He was right on all counts, but these were bold conclusions sincenothing like it had been seen before or even imagined.