Among much else, and without telling anyone, Cavendish discovered or anticipated the law ofthe conservation of energy, Ohm's law, Dalton's Law of Partial Pressures, Richter's Law ofReciprocal Proportions, Charles's Law of Gases, and the principles of electrical conductivity.That's just some of it. According to the science historian J. G. Crowther, he also foreshadowed"the work of Kelvin and G. H. Darwin on the effect of tidal friction on slowing the rotation ofthe earth, and Larmor's discovery, published in 1915, on the effect of local atmosphericcooling . . . the work of Pickering on freezing mixtures, and some of the work of Rooseboom onheterogeneous equilibria."
Finally, he left clues that led directly to the discovery of the group of elements known as thenoble gases, some of which are so elusive that the last of them wasn't found until 1962. Butour interest here is in Cavendish's last known experiment when in the late summer of 1797, atthe age of sixty-seven, he turned his attention to the crates of equipment that had been left tohim—evidently out of simple scientific respect—by John Michell.