"Quite right." The Director nodded approvingly.
"And when the babies were decanted …"
"'Born,'" came the correction.
"Well, then they were the parents–I mean, not the babies, of course; the other ones."
The poor boy was overwhelmed with confusion.
"In brief," the Director summed up, "the parents were the father and the mother."
The smut that was really science fell with a crash into the boys' eye-avoiding silence.
"Mother," he repeated loudly rubbing in the science; and, leaning back in his chair, "These," hesaid gravely, "are unpleasant facts; I know it. But then most historical facts are unpleasant."
He returned to Little Reuben–to Little Reuben, in whose room, one evening, by an oversight,
his father and mother (crash, crash!) happened to leave the radio turned on.
("For you must remember that in those days of gross viviparous reproduction, children werealways brought up by their parents and not in State Conditioning Centres.")
While the child was asleep, a broadcast programme from London suddenly started to comethrough;
and the next morning, to the astonishment of his crash and crash (the more daring of theboys ventured to grin at one another), Little Reuben woke up repeating word for word a longlecture by that curious old writer.
("one of the very few whose works have been permitted to come down to us"), GeorgeBernard Shaw,
who was speaking, according to a well-authenticated tradition, about his own genius.
To Little Reuben's wink and snigger, this lecture was, of course, perfectly incomprehensibleand,
imagining that their child had suddenly gone mad, they sent for a doctor.
He, fortunately, understood English, recognized the discourse as that which Shaw hadbroadcasted the previous evening,
realized the significance of what had happened, and sent a letter to the medical press about it.
"The principle of sleep-teaching, or hypnop.dia, had been discovered." The D.H.C. made animpressive pause.
The principle had been discovered; but many, many years were to elapse before that principlewas usefully applied.
"The case of Little Reuben occurred only twenty-three years after Our Ford's first T-Model wasput on the market." (Here the Director made a sign of the T on his stomach and all thestudents reverently followed suit.) "And yet …"
Furiously the students scribbled. "Hypnop.dia, first used officially in A.F. 214. Why not before?Two reasons. (a) …"
"These early experimenters," the D.H.C. was saying, "were on the wrong track. They thoughtthat hypnop.dia could be made an instrument of intellectual education …"